Vampire Diaries 1.11 to 1.22

Jan 03, 2013 19:19

Insta-reaction: Ha! I knew it *does Chandler like fingers of glee* Poor poor woobie Daemon :) *will miss Sark*

Overall reaction on the season: Plesantly surprised and hooked

What I liked:
The Pretty: because it is very pretty and broody and ripped. I am proudly that shallow. Stefan pushes all of my Angel buttons and I'm happy to sit back and let him. Stefan has grown on me and I am enjoying the Salvatore Bros love. He isn't in the same group as Spike, which is a good thing. I am still (after all these years) circling Spike and poking sticks at him. I have not ever jumped on the Spike love bandwagon and I am not too sure why. *shrugs* Perhaps it's because so many of fan friends did. But I am definitely on the Stefan and Daemon bandwagon *draws pictures over their abs*

Bonnie: She's kinda very awesome :) I love that she's willing to throw her friendship under the bus in protect people. None of this whining about friendship trumping innocent lives.

Hunter Rick: His story is sad (so far) and he has stabbed Daemon again (is sad for him)  but I dig him. He's a history teacher so I am pre-disposed to like him.

Soundtrack: Made of WIN!

What I did not like:
Elena. I think it was the escalation effect of watching too many woobie faces one after the other and she's bordering on Bella-territory. And she's making me miss Buffy a lot. In Buffy when the cute chick says 'hey I wanna come help rescue my woobie/visit that evil vampire nest' everyone doesn't shoot her down - its all 'Yeah, sure, we need your help.' I like the spunky girl character. But it annoys when said spunky character is a tad stupid because a) they are vampires and b) the tough would-be hunter history teacher gets beat up and c) you're annoying with your insistent whining. (that's a bit unfair, sorry). Anyway, by the end of the season I am iffy about Elena.

The last half of the season: I got some hurt, some over done tropes and plots (totally saw the Stefan falling off the wagon thing), evil plots of mass destruction, mystical devices, brother arguements, Stefan locked up and broody, Daemon's eyes and some wacky Tomb Vampire antics. I liked it!

ep_review, vampire diaries

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