Teaser: Supply and Demand: Repeat Business

Sep 02, 2010 17:26

Perhaps if Hotchner had been less controlled, or rather less in control, Andrews might have felt something in the withering glare shot at him, but the urgency of the case was not diminished. Reholstering his weapon, Aaron took a deep breath to calm himself down and stepped towards Winchester.

The rise in the empathic surge was palpable, and Winchester had not let go of his head, still hunched on his knees, trying to keep it together.

Securely locking away his emotions, tightening the mental hatches on his needs, wants and desires, Aaron knelt next to Dean and said as quiet as he could, while still being audible. “You said that it wasn’t the end, that Koravi was not alone. We didn’t, I didn’t believe you .... and now it’s started again. Just like you said it would. So, ... I’m sorry - for not believing you. And for ... I am sorry. We need your help - *we* need your help.” Aaron stressed the ‘we’ as much as he could and tried to get Dean to meet his eyes. Winchester responded perhaps to the plea, perhaps just to the proximity of a Kinetic and raised pain filled eyes.

“Please.” Aaron put as much emotion into that please as he could and sent the mental reassurance that he was needed. They stayed that way for awhile, long enough for Hotchners knees to start to ache, which actually didn’t take too long these days. Finally, Dean nodded, dropped his hands and began to climb to his feet

teaser, fanfic, fic_spn, fic_criminal_minds, crossover_fic

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