Man, life is just...I guess I'll quote my friend
twinkiebus when I say it's a rollercoaster.
Hm...So, the other day when I was couting out my register at work a check was missing, right? I watched the cameras back and I was going so fast because it was so busy that I accidently threw it away. Anyways, my boss said she had to write me up because it was 30 something dollars. They've yet to have me sign anything. So then today one of my managers (Monica) was reminded that she had to submit the report. Then she said "You probably had him make it out to you and then threw it away", meaning so I could cash it. She was saying it in a joking manner, but we all know to alot of jokes, there is a morsel of truth.
So, after that I was upset and acting differently. I also asked to leave early since they had to cut hours, anyways. My head boss (Lorena) asked what was wrong and didn't buy it when I said "nothing". So, I told her what Monica said and that I felt really badly about the whole thing and felt even worse when she made that comment because I would NEVER do anything like that.
Well, Lorena told me she knew I would never do anything like that and that she would talk to Monica and have her apologize. I talked to Monica about it when I left and she apologized and told me she didn't mean it, and she, too knew I'd never do anything like that..that she was joking around. So, everything is good at work...I'm like, the favorite and I get the most hours...and everything is good, but I am still down for some reason. Just keep me in your prayers and whatnot, because I've been down lately. Thanks for not reading my rant.