Dude. Ok, this guy keeps calling my work and harasses us girls. He tries to keep you on the phone as long as possible. In his very feminine voice he asks if we have sell panties, to describe them and the different styles we have ,and "if they're the sexiest ones." wtf. He's talked to 4 of us so far. If he calls again I'm gonna tell him off because it's been every day.
On another note: I am so excited we finally have 1 more guy working with us at Anchor Blue! I know he already thiks I'm crazy because I was all loud and hyper when I introduced myself, but he was super nice nonetheless.
Whatever. Oh, after church on Sunday my sister and I went to Red Robin with Matt and Ryan (my fan Ryan, not co-worker) was working! I think he hooked it up somehow because instead of them charging us for 3 entry's and 3 drinks they just charged us for 2 drinks and 1 entry. They said it
was for the wait, but we didn't even wait long. Coolness. He looks alot better with his new hair cut. He actually looks pretty cute.
Oh, and later in the day I got hooked up with free food by some reeeally nice guy at another place, too. So, now my sis and friend mike have a mental "Let's go to __ with Julie and get extra stuff!" list. Off hand it's: Red Robin, Taco Bell and Arbys haha.
I am so excited that I have every day until Saturday off! Althought, I still have rehersal for VBS,
which, I still need to memorize 6 skits by 1 week. Pray for me! But yea. Days off. WOOHOO! I am gonna take advantage of sleep and not leave the house, and not DRIVE! I am SO sick of it! Seriously.
Anways, I am not gonna rattle on anymore. Here is part 2 of the
"No Greater Love Pictures: Take
One" post. haha I have more that need to be emailed to me from, like,4 different people
P.S. Eeeeeeew! Our neighbor is watching cartoon lesbian pornography. Cartoon. wtf.
I don't think anyone besides me does, but I totally love this picture. It's Christina. Yeah. LIGHTS! Wooh colors.
What a real performer does between scenes. Or just what the bad ones do. j/k..
This is our rapper, Robert (I forgot his rapper name haha) learning his lyrics to his solo for "Where is the Love", just a couple of days before show :) haha Last minute. He's so effing cool. He did some freestyle rapping durng some of the songs, too. Apparently he is also an actor because before I took this pic I yelled at him not to pose but to act natural.
Same rapper. We decided this was gonna be his album cover. Ok, we weren't totally serious....
I tried so hard to get him to say "Wiggedy wiggedy wiggedy whack" but he wouldn't. That's cuz only I can do it. Yep. lol
This is what it looks like when you try to get actors or singers to dance.
Here's what's his face...Jim.
It was never ending photo greatness when Jim was dancing, but i had too many. So, I deleted them and used 2 only.
They would ask ME to help them with their dance steps. PROOF that ALL theatre folks are crazy.
I look like a confused COW! Oh my gosh. Whatever. I knew my stuff, but was acting super confused at that moment, incase you can't tell, because I didn't feel like teaching them at that moment haha. I wanted to run down the strairs. Which, btw, I hjghly suggest if you need an adrenaline rush...
Oh man! Some of us would stay and rehearse the dance steps for about an extra hour after rehersal ended for extra polishing. This was before we got the dances stapled into our brains. Haha we are all so off! Except for me. I knew exactly what I was doing. haha Ok, maybe not in this picture..
...and tired.
(L-R: Me, Joanne, Roland, and Anette.)
Holy cowcrap! I look like such crap at rehersal! haha You know how I normally look, though. that was Joanne's real self and since she looked sad because she was tired, we decided to all do the same. Obviously Roland didn't get the memo. I would look more genuine if Roland wasn't tickling me as we took the picture, too.
Um..I forgot what this one was supposed to be but here. Roland.
I'm all about getting in people's personal space haha
What a sarcastic little..
Oh, look! Me, Joanne and Erin chillin at the cofee shop before the show. Yea.
While outside the coffee shop, our fake grandparents showed up! Yeah, this couple in the picture have been to every rehersal and show, and helped out with it, too. Why? They want to start a team like Next Level Productions and wanted to know what to do. So, they would watch us and the whole process. I got so used to them being there that I was worried if they didn't go to the show every night, even though they did. They were like our grans parents even thought we never talked to them. I suppose because they're old haha. The lady told me "I am your greatest fan!" and I was so excited. OH MAN! They (Well, the lady, anyways) cried at EVERY rehersal and performance haha I looked to her every time we'd perform cuz it helped me do better somehow.
A small section of the right and half center of where we perform. It holds about 1,500 people.
....and a tiny bit of audience waiting after the show for their family.
SHE'S ALWAYS ON THE PHONE! haha Can you hear me now? Gooooood.
B-rad doing what 95% ofus girls do between our numbers: Re-primp. But this was just a rehersal, so, we don't do it much then, if at all.
Britney (B-rad!) and I. I have no idea why we..or I..was laughing, but I look like a weird fool. I think I was sressing how tiny she was and that's why I posed like that or something.
Is she LITERALLY saying "Cheese"?
...How about Corey? Is he? j/k I HATE THAT STUPID HAT HE WEARS ALL THE TIME! OMG KWNUIRV I wanna kidnap it, run it over w/my car, then burn it!
Debra and meI looking like a monster backstage.
Ok, this baby is the cutest baby ever. I kid you not. Seriously, even a g ood picture can't capture how cute he is. Well, this is a bad picture but whatever. OH MY GOSH I want to kidnap him. And that's alot considering I am not fond of kids and don't find little ones cute. Oh my gosh cuteness overload. I took a bunch of pictures, so, when I get them I will post them, but they still wont be as cute as real life. Seriously. It's my acting coach's grandson, Jonah.
Me, my acting coach John, and Jonah.
Speaking of John, here he is giving all of us notes and looking mean and scary.
John is seriously the most talented and hardest working person ever. I'm totally honored to be worthy to work with him when I do and that he thinks so highly of me. I can't contain the flattery. Anyways...he made this F15 jet for the show.
B-rad again. Remember what I said about people's personal space? Ok, I used zoom, but still!
She's just downing thta Canada Dry. Canada! HI
Scott! haha
Ok...I have more but thats all I'll post for now. Sorry if I bored you.