[He knew she had left. Minato had just confirmed his suspicions.
He wasn't sure how, but he knew. He could even tell a person the time she had gone if asked. Not that any of it mattered now.
It was an ability he could have done without.
Ramirez, to be honest, does not know what to do. He should be happy that Fina is not in such a dangerous and volatile place anymore, but...he was just miserable. Completely and utterly miserable. Back in Valua, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would probably never see his childhood friend again, but her presence as a young woman in Luceti threw him off. It confused him. It almost hurt to be reunited with her in such a way but at the same time, it had filled him with such joy to see her, alive and grown up and happy.
And now she was gone again.
Wallowing in despair back in his room wasn't making anything better, so he decided to switch his methods and put on a coat for a walk. This in turn also proved to be a fantastically bad idea, as the heavy snowfall as of late created a crisp blanket around the whole of Luceti, giving the area a clean and sterile look. It reminded him of the walls back on the Great Silver Shrine, where he has spent much of his childhood deciphering the history etched in its stone. The place was perfection, pristine and white.
He was starting to hate that color.
For anyone who wants to bother him, he's just...slumped up against a bench near the fountain - which is telling in and of itself because Ramirez doesn't slump - fiddling with something in his hands. If anyone gets close enough to see what he's holding, they'll find that it is a merely a
necklace, although it appears to be an unfinished one. He twists it around absently, turning the beads over, apparently inspecting what is finished for flaws of any sort...not that he would notice. His eyes are kind of glazed over at this point.
...Somebody please snap him out of it before he drowns in sorrow. :|a
Or you know. Make him even more miserable. Either/or would be fun.]