Nov 20, 2007 10:00
Dear Doubt
Hey, I know its your job and all to stop me from doing what I always wanted to do but maybe I was thinking that you should go on a permenant vacation. I got all this stuff that I want to do and I am going to do it without you. Yeah, your putting those things in my head like "what are other people going to think" "How would this make me look" "[INSERT YOUR DOUBT]" I got this to tell you. If I'm doing it then it will look like me and who gives a shit about what other people think I am doing what I want to do and others are doing what you want to do.[INSERT YOUR ANSWER]. So in short.
Well this is a one of those semi motivational speaches you say to yourself I guess. I got bored so made one up. Feel free to change it about and remember it is all about you.