Feb 17, 2005 09:37
Go to your info page and find the seventh name listed on your friends list. Go to their info page. Find the seventh name on their friends list. Repeat until you are seven LJs from your own. (If you come across someone who doesn't have seven friends or the seventh friend is a journal you have already visited on this trip, randomly pick another name and continue).
1) brittuhknee
2) _fatallyxyours_
3) agey55
4) ill_catchyou
5) _gustavf_
6) dark__wings
7) trebienensemble
1)What is the title of this journal (NOT the user name): Rebels of Sacred Heart
2) How many communities does this person belong to? 1
3)List any interests you share in common with this user. NONE
4)List any friends you have in common with this user. NONE
5)Where does this user live? Malden, Massachusetts
6)What is the seventh sentence in this user's most recent journal entry: "Christian in Chocolate City, I just can't picture it."
7)What is the first sentence in this user's seventh most recent journal entry? "Today, today, today."
BTW - amber i love the zoolander icon. i'm just to lazy to comment about it in your journal.