Apr 12, 2008 15:17
I GOT SEYMOUR!!!! **sings** I got my do~~ll... Woohoo! UPS is not, in fact, the ultimate evil, but they're still pretty close. >.< Angie did a *beautiful* job with him, too, the tats are beautiful, and his face...! **grins** I'm currently dying his blond mohair wig blue... I hope it works. >.>
But oh, Volks' WTG Boyfriends dolls are *nice*. I got the "Yamato" body and face for Seymour, and I couldn't be more pleased, except for the tiny-ass feet. At first Kuja was pissed because he's got bigger feet than Seymour does, but then he got over it because at least he can stand up on his own. The joints for the Volks dool vs. Obitsu (Kuja) are really, really loose, too. Kuja squeaks horridly when I pose him, but I'd take that over Seymour's arm/leg/head slipping out of position after two minutes. Ah well. At least he can sit there with Kuja posed on his lap and look pretty. ^.^