I don't really update this thing, and I don't plan on making a habit of it. So sorry.
But I have caught up on people's recent posts, and I'm just going to unburdeon myself. So lets see how well you knew me before you friended me.
Birthdate: 10/21 @10:21am
Height/Weight: 6' 1" and 190lbs
Full Name:Arlishia Meshonne Neville
Hair/Eye Color: Black and so brown they look black
Distinuishing Marks: Beauty mark on nose, light spot on back, and birth mark on right breast
True Gender Identity: Very much male, thank you. I don't really identify with being female too well.
I am physically comfortable with being female, but emotionally and mentally very much male.
True Sexual Prefrence:Pan sexual. I love and lothe women, just as I do men. :) Although I really do hate 95% of women.
01; I am a furry. Wonder why you couldn't tell? Too busy being a bigot I suppose. No, I don't wear fur suits or go to furry conventions.
02; I am an anime fan. No, I am not an otaku. I hate otaku with a passion. I hate rabid fan girls and fan boys to the point of seeing red.
03; No, I do not like the fact that I am African American, and no amount of telling me how you feel about it is going to change it. No, I am not a J-Wanna be. I'm just myself, so screw you.
03; Yes I am a pervert. Anyone who tells you that women don't like pornography and don't masturbate is a moron. Women aren't angels, we are actually worse than men. We just hide it.
04; I condone revenge and violence. I hate stupid people and I hate bigots. I think that stupid people should be used as entertainment for the smarter ones. Flogging and oil baths should be bought back.
05; I don't take too well to being told that I am acting like a teenager when I am depressed and actually open up about it. You know what? Life has been hard for me. And the next time you think to tell me I am over reacting, fuck off.
06; I am a Liberal. Big shock there. But some of you acted shocked when I made public my dislike of G.W Bush. Yes, you can vote for who you want. But don't bitch and cry to your friends because you chose to talk to me about the election.
07; I have no real religion, but at least I try to respect the religious choices of others. Unlike some people who removed from this journal for being bible beating eye sores.
08; I am harsh on myself so I am naturally harsh on other people. If I am to hold myself to specific standings in life, I do the same towards my friends and family.
09; I get jealous very easily and I will not hesitate in showing so. I can also be a bit possessive due to the fact that I am used to being treated as a possession myself.
010; I am not interested in any type of perminant relationship right now, so don't fucking ask. I've spent since 7th grade being in supposed full time relationships--and I don't fucking like it anymore.
011; Friendship isn't about showing off what you have and your friends don't have. The world isn't about you and nor will it ever be just because you knew about some anime or video game first. Fucking grow up.
012; Sometimes all I want is for my friends to be frank with me and understanding. All the fucking bad jokes in the world won't make a person forget their pain. You know what? I wish that some of you would realize that I do get pissed when my fluffy posts get more response than my SERIOUS POSTS. What goes around comes around and that is why I eventually stopped posting to livejournal at all.
013; I should make a list of people off of this journal that I love to death. Then I should fucking ass rape the rest of you with my fist. Nope, I'm not very happy with some of you indeed. And I think that I made it really clear. But I don't remove people because I feel I am being too harsh or expecting too much.
014; Sometimes it just pays off to say when you aren't interested or really aren't paying attention. Because if I have to find out myself, or figure it out, I'm going to be a lot less nice over it. I'm actually going to be a fucking bitch to you. Because I'm tired of one way relationships with people. Really fucking tired.
015; Maybe there is something wrong if I decide to stop posting anything with too much emotional content. Ever think of that? Probably not. Then again, the difference between livejournal and greatestjournal is this--people actually seem to listen there, which they don't here. I'm tired of people making comments or assumptions on who I am without having a clear clue as to the fact of the matter. Some of you really don't know me and probably wouldn't care to outside of these journal entries.
-_- If you can't tell I'm just tired and spouting reasons why.
I'm going back to GJ now.
To sum it up--
I think that some of you are really really fake. -_- To you friendship is like a trendy hand bag. Wear it while it is in fashion and toss it aside the moment you figure otherwise.
I'm just really angry and kind of hurt.
I'm so happy that I try to still be your friend (yes, this is directed without a name) despite a number of facts. But I get a post where you call my fucking friends ass kissers just because they don't agree with you!?!? I get a heated damned post calling me all sorts of names and making all sorts of assumptions--WHEN THE PEOPLE WHO DITCHED YOU GOT NOTHING!!?! What the fuck man...what the fuck.
I'm going to go roleplay and play FFXI while ignoring how pissed off some people make me.