Kyo's party is coming up. That makes me happy!
I didn't make it to Tiana's party, that makes me really sad. Blame Chris and blame the food poisoning for that.
I shouldn't have spent so much money on games the other day, but I felt I was getting behind.
I should still have enough to have something when I show up.
It is easier to get a ride out of town than around town, how fucked up is that?
I couldn't make it to Oni con because it was the DAY AFTER my birthday. Anyone who says I could have just dropped every thing (and ignored the top priority that is bills) can suck my etheral penis. I'm glad to hear that Shink and all of ya'll had a good time. *Blows kisses* Shin deserves a good time. And someone tell Lance to stop being such a coke head :D
I'm not talking him out of a panic next A-kon. ;)
(Random moment)
Le_chat_Inutile: *Sits down and has this really serious look on his face.* You know what....
Tare_Cthulhu: *Really lost and confused*
Le_chat_Inutile:*Raises an eyebrow and looks pained* Everytime I sit pants come open....
Tare_Cthulhu:*Almost falls out of own chair, laughing and hitting my side.*
Le_chat_Inutile:*Looks a little hurt, pointing to his crotch* pants are missing a button ;_;
Le_chat_Inutile: >.> ....seriously Nee...
I'm recovering from the food poisoning.
Never go to the Mogolian Grill near Thor's Hammer. That place is rancid. I'm seriously looking into a way to report them. Roaches...ew..ew..ew...