Jun 03, 2004 10:41
I took an hour long nap. Apparently an hour is more than enough time to hit deep R.E.M sleep enough to have in depth dreams. The dream I had made my eyes snap open, not to mention I had a horrible lump in my throat.
I don't remember the exact details of said dream, just the out come. I was older, probably by a slight three or four years, the same for the guy involved (will name no names).
Why does a kiss in a dream mean so damned much to my heart?
[Probably because my libido was pissed that I woke up juuuuuust before the..-cough-]
Probably something about sexual relations not seeming to pitiously hollow for that moment. :|
Eh, I'm despirate to actually feel wanted or needed by someone that I have feelings for.