Dec 17, 2004 22:05
well, im a little down right now, im feeling a little alone at the moment while im in my own little world. hehehe ima lil buzzed, but obviously not to get me in the state that would be nice to be in. i was really looking forward to getting drunk to the point where im numb enough to not think about my current problems that im going through in my life. well, one problem has been eliminated... school. thank all that is holy for that! emotions are a stir, as i said before. questions are building up in my mind as i think of them over and over again. i wish that there was someone in my life that could help me answer them. i never really ever had anyone that i could seriously be completely real with in my life. either i felt uncomfortable with showing that person how i truely felt cause i thought that they would judge me, or i didn't tell that person the whole story, or i lied about how i really felt cause i felt like i had to, to keep myself protected from being hurt. i am very afraid to show my emotions in some ways, but in other ways i wear them right on my sleeve. i don't know what to do anymore... im feeling so helpless and insecure. i don't like these feelings, i wish that someone could just wave a majic wand and help me...
i need some help,