Jan 08, 2009 12:18
One way to spend an evening is to spend it hanging upside down from a tree.
Another way is to spend it is flying space craft and practicing aerial maneuvers.
These are two ways one could spend an evening.
A third way, the way I chose, is to spend it in the ER from 5 pm till 3:30 am. A friend who just spent over a month in the hospital with pancreatitis had crazy amounts of pain in the abdomen, so I took him to the ER and we spent 10 hrs getting blood work and CT scans, but mostly we went there to wait in a hallway. The place was at double it's capacity, which helped us not be helped in a timely manner. Fortunately, everything came back clean. SO glad he's ok. The last bout of this sucked A LOT.
Mmm. dreaming of sleep tonight.