Chapter Sixteen

Jun 20, 2014 22:00

The next day, Jensen woke up with the worst ache in the arch of his foot. He flexed it a few times before giving up and just putting it flat on the floor. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out what he had done to cause himself that much pain.

The mystery was solved when he went to the mirror and saw the raccoon eyes staring back at him. He hadn’t known that you had to wash the eye gunk off his face before going to sleep and now he was being punished.

He quickly looked around for a wash cloth and soap so that Rosey wouldn’t think that anything was up with him. He couldn’t have his roommate suspect anything untoward had occurred and this was the only way to clean up the evidence. Once he had ruined a wash cloth and felt like his eyes were going to sting for weeks, Jensen emerged from the bathroom to find Rosey at the waffle iron as usual.

“Good morning!” Rosey chirped. “How are we doing this fine morning?”

“Just wonderful, thank you for asking.” Jensen poured himself a cup of coffee and quickly drained it before pouring himself another. “And how are you?”

“Chipper as hell. Did you know there is this hot new British girl at the park?”

Jensen tried not to choke on the liquid. “You don’t say.”

“Oh yeah, hot as hell. You would not believe her. Built like an Amazonian princess. And her voice. Sweet as a damn angel song. No one seems to know her name though.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, and no one was told she was going to be there either. It was the damnedest thing.” Rosey pushed the shredded hash browns into the spaces. “I’m thinking about asking the girls - I mean one of them had to have talked to her. She was filling in for Sandy I think. Not sure what that was about either. I usually get the memo when that happens.” Rosey shrugged. “Oh well, things get lost sometimes. Just another day in paradise, am I right, my friend?”

“So right, Rosey.” Jensen had to change the subject and NOW or he might slip up and say something that would ruin it all. “What do you know about Danneel?”

“Oh, Danneel,” Rosey began with a wistful sigh, showing Jensen he had picked the right topic. “She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, inside and out. You got your eye on her?”

Jensen thought he was playing it cool but figured he had misjudged himself when Michael laughed at him. “She’s good looking.”

“Good looking? Is that the best you can do? She is amazing.”

Jensen had to smile at that. Rosey was certainly telling the truth about that. “Yeah she kind of is. Do you think she might go out with me?”

“You do realize there is a rule about not dating co workers, right?” Rosey checked on his breakfast, but found that it wasn’t ready yet and closed the lid back.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. She’s out of my league anyway.” He said it, and even though he didn’t really think it was true, there was something really pulling at Jensen. He wished he could put his finger on it though.

He was trying to sort what that emotion might be when frantic knocking began at his door. Something inside of him made him prepare for the worst as he walked as slowly as he could to see what the emergency was. “I’m coming, keep your pants on!”

When the door swung open, it wasn’t at all what Jensen was expected. He didn’t know what he had been expecting, really, but he was pretty certain it wasn’t Sophia with her hair half up and clothes all rumpled.

“Jensen! I need your help again,” it was the way that she said ‘again’ that made him worry.

“Yes, Sophia?”

“I, uh, need you to, um…we have a bookcase that needs to be moved right now.” She was already pulling him out the door though.

“I guess I’ll see you later,” Jensen called out to Rosey.


“Are you out of your mind?” Jensen looked at the woman with his arms crossed over his chest. “No, I mean this in all seriousness, Sophia. You have to be out of your mind to even think we can pull this off twice.”

Sophia smiled up at him as sweetly and persuasively as he could. “I was kind of hoping we could, yeah.”

“No. The answer is no.”

“But Jensen…”

“No, and I mean it - no amount of ‘but, Jensens’ will change my mind. That’s it. I did what I could. I can’t do it any more.”

But that’s when Sophia pulled out the big guns - tears. Jensen let out a sigh, knowing without a doubt what his firm answer was.


Jensen tugged at the bodice on the dress he had worn the day before. Damn Sophia and her damn tears.

“Looking good, princess,” Misha complimented as they made their way down the tunnel yet again, Jared at Jensen’s side. “Maybe even better than you did the day before.”

“There is a rule against dating co workers,” Jensen informed Misha in the now-familiar to his ears lilt.

“Dammit,” Jared whispered under his breath just loud enough for Jensen to hear with a smirk.

Jensen looked over at him and frowned.

“Well, okay, sweetheart,” Misha patted Jensen on the arm a little too lingering. “But that’s not going to stop me from trying.”

“You want me to clock him one?” Jared asked quickly before noticing they were almost to the end of the tunnel and falling into character.

“I can fight my own battles,” Jensen assured him.

“All right, we’re here.” Misha herded the couples to their correct entrances and motioned for them to exit, but not before patting Jensen on the butt. “Break a leg.”

“Oh, you’re going to get more than a leg broken…”Jensen muttered as he slipped into Jane for what he swore was the last day.

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it's a sort of fairytale with you, fanfic, spn_j2_bigbang 2014, j2

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