Year of the Cat - Chapter 22

Jun 26, 2009 17:05

Title: Year of the Cat - Chapter 22
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Martha, other canon, some OC
Rating: say M for language and later situations
Spoilers: includes info up to end of season 2.
Disclaimer: Don't own - but wish I did...
Author's Note: Okay, ya'll - I am back. If you want a recap on what has gone on so far, the best would be to go to my journal. Now, I am back and will try to post every other day for a bit as I did manage to write. I hope this is not a disappointment for the time you had to wait! I love you all! mrsalemp just told me that if I didn't do a recap, she would punch me in the throat. I'll have a go, but I don't know how accurate I'll be. Jack and Yan are more-or-less foster parents and they are currently at Ianto's 'rent's house and their favorite ex-Time Agent John Hart is there as the guest of big bro Delwyn. Yeah, that's right...


Jack passed the door to the girls’ room and heard the whispered argument.

“I'm telling you, it's not a good idea to trust him!” Ianto hissed.

“And I'm telling you that it's none of your business,” Del growled back.

Jack peeked under the coverlet to find the brothers face to face. “How in the hell haven't they found you?”

Ianto pulled at Jack's laces. “Get under here quick!”

“I thought you'd never ask,” Jack got to his stomach and slid under backwards, aided by the fact that both Jones boys were pulling on him. “Whoa. What's so urgent?”

“Tell him,” Ianto demanded, poking Jack in the ribs.

“Tell him what, exactly?” Jack rubbed his side the best he could. “And why the hell do we keep getting stuck under this bed together?”

“Karma,” Del muttered. “Tell Ianto I don't care what he says. I am the older brother. I can do what I want as I am an adult - no matter what he thinks!”

Jack sighed, wishing he had never found them. “Yan, what the hell is going on?”

It was Del who answered. “Ianto is trying to tell me how to run my life.”

“I am not! Jack, I was trying to talk some sense into him.”

Jack turned to face Ianto, wincing when his hair got caught in the springs. “You can't talk sense into Del.”

“Thank you, Jack,” Del said from behind him. “Hey!”

“What I meant was that you have to let him make his own dumb mistakes,” Jack clarified.

“Thank you.” Del thought about that. “Wait. Why does all of your help sound like judgments? Whose side are you on?”

“I'm not on anybody's side!” Jack huffed, knowing this could turn very ugly in a very short time. “Can we just be quiet? They are looking for you, Del.”

“They gave up,” a female voice announced. Henry ran and peeked under the coverlet.

“TACK! TOE!” He crouched down and covered his mouth in a giggle. “Tack-Toe silly!” He made an exaggerated laugh and fell back. Ianto reached out to tickle him before sliding out and dusting himself off.

“Yes, Henry - Tack and Toe are silly,” he agreed, turning to Becca. “Where did everyone go?”

“They are in the kitchen with the cake,” she said, leaning out the door and pointing down the hall. “I noticed you three weren't there and came looking. Henry was the one who heard you. He's surprisingly strong when he wants to make sure you go the way he wants you to!”

“Yes, he is. Shocked me the first time it happened!” Ianto laughed, letting the boy pull him out of the room.

“Did you say cake?” Jack asked, trailing behind.

Becca just shrugged as she looked at Del, who was still lying on the floor under the bed. “You need some help?”

“Please?” Del asked, putting out a hand.

Becca yanked on him, succeeding in pulling him out enough for him to get to his knees.

“Thanks - this is the first time all day I have seen you without Henry attached to your arm.” Del laughed down at her.

She smiled back up at him. “Yeah, well, I always thought...” her sentence trailed off as she looked away.

Del frowned. “What?”

“No, nevermind,” Becca shook her head. “We are missing out on cake and ice cream - and that's the best part of birthdays if they aren't yours! Come on!” She yanked on his hand and dragged him from the room.


“Oh, yeah,” John's voice rang out through the room, “I've been lots of places.”

“I would love to travel,” Gwen answered. “But Myfanwy won't go with me - and I refuse to go alone. That just seems pathetic to go on holiday by yourself...”

“Hey now!” Del said, walking into the conversation and the room, “If I hadn't gone on holiday by myself, I never would have run into John.”

“That's right. I was standing there, just minding my own business, looking at 'Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss' when this man,” he jerked his thumb at Del, not letting go of his grip on Gwen's waist with his other hand, “walks up and tilts his head just so.”

“You went to the Louvre?” Myfanwy looked at her brother in question.

Del pretended to be hurt. “Why is it hard to believe that I would do something like that?”

Ianto looked over at his brother through the tops of his eyes.

“What?” Del laughed out. “I went to a museum while I was on holiday. What is so odd about that?”

“And you were actually looking at the art?” Myfanwy asked, looking over at Ianto.

“Well, he is a bit chiseled - you have to admit!” Del covered his embarrassment at being called out by putting an arm around John's neck in a half-hug. “And he just better be glad that the room the 'Mona Lisa' was in was so crowded. I could have found someone else...”

“Not bloody likely...” John snorted with a sly smile. “I had my eyes on you from the moment you walked in...”

“Okay. Enough of that,” Ianto pulled Henry onto his lap and held his hand out for the toy dinosaurs that Henry was currently clutching. “This is Myfanwy and Gwen's day - not 'how I met your mother'.”

Del glowered at his brother and kissed John on the cheek, who leaned into it with a satisfied smile.

“Who wants cake?” Glenda asked from across the room, saving any further discussion about Del and John. “Jack - maybe you could help me here?”

Jack jumped up, glad for the distraction. As he was carrying the cake back to the table, he smiled at the way that everyone waited for the centerpiece - the chocolate cake, with a number of candles for each of the girls. Even Mr. Jones had abandoned his usual newspaper in favor of watching his daughter's faces light up brighter than the candles.

Ianto held Henry tightly on his lap when the boy's eyes got wide and he reached for the frosting. “No, Tic - dammit...” Ianto hadn't meant to use the nickname, but got a smile from his father when the other man heard him.

“I'll get the candles!” John offered reaching into his pocket for his lighter and shifting Gwen on his lap as he did so.

“Let Del get them,” she said, not wanting to lose her spot. John grinned at her. Del frowned as John dropped the lighter into Del's open hand, not looking at him.

“Penblwydd Hapus,” John muttered to her as they watched her brother with the flame. “How old are you?”

“You know Welsh?” She turned to him, impressed.

“I'm in Wales - of course I know Welsh. What idiot lives in Wales and works with the public and doesn't?” John cast a sideways glance at Jack, who - if he hadn't been holding the cake - might have decked him right then and there. “And you didn't answer me.”

“A lady never tells her age,” Gwen flirted, tossing her hair and looking straight ahead. “Isn't that right, Mam?”

“They're 29,” Del answered flatly, shoving the lighter back at John. “Are we going to do this or wait until the cake is covered in wax?”

“Wow, Del,” Ianto said, clapping Henry's hands together to a tune only he could hear, catching Becca out of the corner of his eye watching with a wistful smile. “But I agree, can you two get on with the wishing? That cake looks really good.”

“Seconded,” Jack took his place, standing behind Ianto with his hands on the man's shoulders, causing Ianto to look up and exchange smiles.

Mr. Jones was the one to start the birthday song, and everyone joined in, though most of it was at best half-hearted. That didn't stop the girls from leaping forward and blowing out their candles with all the enthusiasm of five-year-olds. After the laughter had died down, Mrs. Jones cut the cake and began handing thick slices around.

“I'll take Henry,” Becca quietly offered, holding her arms out. Jack bent to take him from Ianto and pass him over, pulling a chair over to sit beside the other man. Becca beamed widely as she cut pieces of her own cake to feed the small boy.

Everyone was chatting about memories of birthdays past when there was a knock at the door. “I'll get it,” Mr Jones stood and went to the door. “You guys keep up what you're doing. Save me a slice.”

“Uh, hello?” The man on the other side of the door looked a bit shocked to be looking at Ifan. “Sir? Mr. Jones?”

“Well, unless I'm in the wrong house - yes.” Ifan stepped back, still holding the door handle. “If you're selling something, we're not interested.”

The young man looked at his hands for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Mr. Jones, sir, I was looking for Myfanwy?”

“Oh, yeah,” Ifan looked back into the kitchen over his shoulder. “She's here. Let me get her. Your name?”

“Lloyd, sir.” He once again found his hand interesting.

“Stay there.” Mr. Jones shut the door and walked up behind his daughter. “Some boy is at the door, 'Fan. Says he wants to talk to you.”

“Who is it?” Gwen's ears perked up. “Who's at the door?”

“Psh! Not for you,” Ifan hissed. “Go on, 'Fan - don't keep him waiting.”

Myfanwy put down her plate and slipped out the door, closing it behind her.

“Who was it, Tad?” Glenda asked, handing him a plate.

“It was a boy called 'Lloyd',” he said, smiling as he took a forkful. “Wonder who he is?”

“Her boss Lloyd?” Gwen asked. “What would he be doing here?”

“He can't be asking her about work can he?” Becca asked, wiping Henry's mouth.

“No, Becca - he's sweet on her.” John remarked, his tone dull. “But dating your boss? How tacky...”

Ianto and Jack glared at him at the same time, John breaking out in a look of complete innocence.

“You know what, Gwennie?” John changed the subject. She shook her head, letting her hair brush her plate. “Where I come from, it's custom for the birthday girl to wear her cake.”

“What?” Her eyes grew wide as she realized what he was saying. “No. NONONONONONONO!” She dropped her plate on the table and ran into the living room, John quick behind her, part of his own slice in hand. He chased her through the lounge and back into the kitchen before Gwen flung the door open and dashed past Myfanwy. John shrugged and followed her out the door. Del fell back in his seat, shaking his head.

“He's very high maintenance,” Del sighed, talking to no one in particular. “Guess I should get him.”

“Sit.” Mrs. Jones commanded. “Gwenda can take care of herself.”


Myfanwy looked up as the door was thrown open. “I'm so sorry. It's my birthday and my brothers and their...friends showed up - it's all family and crazy in there, I'm sorry - what were you saying?”

Lloyd smiled at her nervously. “I was nothing. Nothing. I was asking if you were having a good birthday.” She looked at him for a moment, unsure of what he had asked her. “I mean, I saw it on the breakroom bulletin board and thought that I would drop by is a bad time, isn't it?”

“No, no it's not really.” She shook her head with a small laugh. “I mean, it's like this any time we're all together. My family's not...normal.” She motioned over to where John was currently chasing Gwen around, “That's...oh, it's a long story - I don't think you have the time.” She dropped her hand.

“It's okay. My brother and I fight all the time. I can see how - is she going to be okay?” He motioned over to where Gwen was lying on the ground, John straddling her, cake raised above his head.

Myfanwy rolled her eyes. “She'll be fine.”

“Is that one of your brothers?” Concern was creeping into Lloyd's voice again.

“No,” Myfanwy answered, almost a little too quickly. "I don't mean to be rude, Lloyd, but you didn't drop by to rescue my sister did you?"

“No, actually,” he reached into his coat pocket. “I came to bring you this. It's not much, but it's your birthday, and I thought maybe I should get you something - I wasn't sure which birthday it was for you, so I just kind of guessed and I hope you like it - but if you don't then I'll understand, I think I still have the receipt around here somewhere...”

“Lloyd.” Myfanwy put her hand on his arm to reassure him. “It's fine. Really.”

“Oh. Well, here it is. I mean, for what it's worth.” He handed her a thin box. “Not that I am saying it's worth nothing - or that it cost me too much...I'll stop talking now.”

Myfanwy laughed a little before opening the box to reveal a simple tennis bracelet. “It's beautiful!” She pulled it out. “Can you help me with this?”

He smiled, taking the bracelet to work the clasp. “Do you really like it? I mean, I saw you looking at it last week and thought that if you didn't buy it that it would be the perfect gift. And then I thought...I'm talking too much again...” He smiled wryly and met her eyes.

“No, really, it's wonderful. I love it.” She looked down at the way the sun was catching it. “Just what I always wanted.”

“I swear to you, John Hart, on my life - if you put that cake in my face you will regret it until the day you...” Gwen's voice carried the length of the yard, but was cut off by her getting a faceful of chocolate. “JOHN!!”

Myfanwy and Lloyd turned to see him holding Gwen down with one hand as he sat atop her, smiling a mad smile. Gwen was looking back up at him, her face streaked with frosting. Both were panting from their brisk game of chase. Then, out of nowhere, John dropped his smile and looked down at the woman he had pinned. Her hair was spread put around her, creating a dark halo, much like one would imagine an avenging angel may have.

“I'm...I...” John stammered, unable to form a real word. “I...”

“What you are,” Gwen said, squirming under him to get free, “is a dead man. I would kill you now, but there are too many witnesses!” She took advantage of the fact that he was still stammering to buck him off. “GRUH!” She stood and stopped off into the house, leaving him confused. As she passed Myfanwy, she repeated the noise with an added squeak.

“Ummm...I should go after her....or do you want to come in....or......” Myfanwy honestly didn't know how to treat the situation. “I mean, my house is full of crazy at the moment - a little less full with the bit of crazy laying on the lawn, but still...”

Lloyd smiled now. “It's fine. I'll just see you at work.” He turned to leave, then turned back. “Oh, how about lunch? I mean, Monday. We could go to...”

“I'd love to.” Myfanwy clasped her hands behind her and grinned at him. “Monday. Lunch.”

Lloyd felt as though he would never stop smiling as he walked back to his car, noticing that Myfanwy left the lunatic out in the yard when she went in.


“I think that's the last of it,” Jack said, shutting the trunk. “I honestly didn't think it was going to fit back in.”

“Never underestimate me,” Ianto smirked, “remember that.”

“Oh, I don't. You never fail to amaze me.” Jack moved to put his arms around Ianto.

“You're not off the hook.”

“Not even if I show you my charming dimples?'

“Not even then.”

Jack dropped his arms. “Come on, Yan...”

“We'll talk about it in the car,” Ianto put the diaper bag in the backseat and shut the door before disappearing back into the house.

“Oooo,” Jack said to no one, “that sounds fun.”

“Are you coming in, Jack?” Ianto poked his head out of the door. “Thought you might want to say goodbye...”

“Oh, yeah, right. Be right in.” Jack pocketed the keys, hoping that Ianto wouldn't find out that Jack had left the keys in the ignition all night. “I was just rechecking to make sure we had everything.”

Ianto leaned in the doorway. “You were talking to yourself - I heard you. Come on in now. Mam will kill me if you don't come in to say goodbye. And you get to carry Henry - he's heavy.”

“Yeah well,” Jack joined Ianto in the doorway, “If Mam wouldn't feed him so much...”

“If Mam wouldn't what, Jack Harkness?” Glenda was suddenly in front of him, hands on her hips. “Are you saying you don't want to eat my home cooking either?”

Jack looked stricken. “No Ma'am - that's not what I meant at all!”

Her eyes softened as she started to smile, drawing Ianto closer to her. “You have him housebroken, good boy.” Ianto shared a laugh at Jack's expense before mentally checking that they hadn't forgotten anything.

“Right, I think we're ready - that is, if Jack would get Henry.” Ianto quirked an eyebrow at him and he nodded.

“Who has the kid?” Jack clomped off in the direction of the lounge.

“You take care of them,” Mrs. Jones said, suddenly serious.

“What?” Ianto asked, unsure he had heard her right.

“You heard me - you take care of them. I know something is up with that John character. And, call it mother's intuition, but it's not something good...”

“Mam, Jack and I have it under control, don't worry.” Ianto hugged her, resting his chin on her head. “There are things going on that I would love to tell you, but I can't. Just trust me that everything is going to be all right.”

“Well, they better be, because it's not just about you. You two have to think of that precious little boy.”

“Mam, I told you,” Ianto sighed heavily, “that's not a permanent situation.”

“I don't care. What you do still affects him. Be careful.”

“Okay, Mam, I promise. But if we don't get going now - where is Jack?” He gave his mother another squeeze before pulling back to look around. “he can get so sidetracked...”

“Always been like that,” Glenda said under her breath.

Ianto turned back to her. “What was that?”

“Nothing, go find him.” She shooed him out of the kitchen and toward the lounge, where Jack was just walking through with Henry in his arms, asleep.

“Found him on the big bed, all conked out,” Jack laughed, careful not to jostle the boy too much. “Looks like he's going to sleep all the way back home.”

Ianto sighed, “And be up all night. Great.”

“Oh, stop, you,” Glenda turned to her son. “You know you love it that someone needs you.”

Ianto grinned a little at the thought and nodded. “Okay, Mam, we have to get going now - we're already behind an hour.”

“Always on a schedule! Jack - you need to see if you can get him to relax,” Mrs Jones hugged him and kissed Henry on the forehead when Jack bent down. “And I mean what I said earlier, Ianto.”

“Right, I understand.” Ianto opened the door for Jack, following him out. “And we'll be sure to visit again soon.”

“Oh, if you need us to sit for you sometime so you boys can have a night out, don't hesitate to call,” Mrs. Jones walked them out to the car and watched as Jack tried to put the sleeping toddler in the carseat.

“Dammit!” Jack stood up, hitting his head on the doorframe and sucking in a breath. “These things are too hard to figure out - you practically need an engineering degree to figure them out! Yan!”

Ianto hugged his mother one more time and went to secure Henry, leaving Jack to take the bag that Mrs. Jones was holding out to him. “What's this?”

“It's snacks,” Glenda winked. “I know how it is in the car with a toddler...”

“And Jack,” Ianto added, pulling himself out of the car. “Thanks, Mam. We'll call when we get there.”

“You better,” She joked, watching as the two of them got in the car and waved.

“Oh we will, even though we might not get there until late, which means we won't get enough sleep and Jack will be grouchy tomorrow at work and-” Ianto spoke to her one last time before closing the door and putting the key in the ignition, to find nothing happened. He shot an accusing glance at Jack, who returned an innocent grin.

Gwen tapped on the driver's side window, making Ianto jump. “Something wrong?” she asked, her voice muffled.

“Car won't start,” Ianto stated, getting out and slamming the door. “Don't know why.”

“Pop the hood,” John yelled as he flicked his cigarette stub into the yard and walked toward the car.

“Oh no!” Jack yelled back, stalking across the yard to meet him.

“What? You think I don't know anything about cars?”

“I don't care if you know anything about cars - you aren't touching ours!”

“I second that,” Ianto said, turning his head in that direction.

Del came around the corner. “Then let me look.”

“No way - one month in an automotive class does not make you an expert!”

“He fixed his car when it broke down...”

“Was I talking to you?”

“Don't talk to John like that!”

“Don't talk to Ianto like that!”

“He's my brother! I'll talk to him like I want!”

“Look, let me look at it...”

“Nothin' doin', John - just don't trust you.”

“Right, like I'm going to mess it up...”

“I can look at it.”

“I don't think that's a good idea, Jack...”

“Ianto - I hotwired a Chula warship - I think I can manage...”

“That was you? Nice! Was all over the commsreaders!”

“A what?”

“Nothing, Del. And - no, Jack, we should call someone. It could be serious.”

“I'm telling you! I can look at it - no need to call anyone.”

“Maybe we should get Tad?”

“Ianto, you have three people offering to look at the car - let one of us!”

A cheering sound from the direction of the car got their attention. The four men turned to see Myfanwy and Gwen jumping up and down and high-fiving one another, the car hood raised. Leading from one car battery to Gwen's own car was a pair of jumper cables.

“Looks like they got it,” John laughed, earning a look from the other three men. “What?”

ianto jones, year of the cat, fan fiction, jack harkness

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