
May 14, 2013 13:46

If only fantasy were real.
If only television heroes existed.
Then it would be so simple.
We'd be better than new.
Because someone would know just what to do.
But Sherlock and the Doctor don't exist.
So we must be the protagonists.
We must fight for ourselves.
And make sure our love knows no bounds.
Only then can we win.
Please be the Hero I know we can be.
Save us, save you, save me.
Because this love is worth saving.
It's as wonderful as fantasy.
But it is as real as real can be.
This is our Reality!

I am going thru a bit of a rough time, as my husband of two years & best friend & love interest of 7 has decided a month ago to kick me out and ask for a divorce instead of working thru thing and even trying to make it work. I love him more than anything in this world and I would do anything to get him back. I just am unsure of what to do. We are perfect for each other, and I know deep down inside I will never love anyone the way I love him. I can't just let go and give up but I don't know what to do in order to be with the one I love. Every day without him is pure agony, and I can't keep up this facade that everything is okay. I just want to go home, and to be with the love of my life.
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