This cannot really be happening? can it?

Jan 20, 2012 05:28

I have had one long and interesting year that is for sure. And right now I am wondering how all of what has happened is even possible. It seems more like a story that you would see on a cinema screen. I feel like nothing really makes sense. Is it possible to have someone walk back into your life and for the connection to be so strong that you can't really remember when or why they left to begin with. Is it really possible to feel such love for someone who goes from ignoring your existence to at least acknowledging you and then to continue this pattern back and forth. I would think that this is some sort of freakish fluke but it has now happened with more than one person and I don't know how exactly I should handle it. When old flames return to your life it is always odd and a bit difficult, but now it is more than just that. I need to figure out how to proceed with all that is going on in my life and what kind of actions I should take to ensure that this time around I am not the one hurt. 
Any suggestions are welcome of course. lol!

On a brighter note my husband will be off for a week soon and that means maybe we can have a few friends come visit...Hint Hint Wink Wink Earth Girl! lol

Well I guess I better get to bed now. 
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