HeeHee! Evil!Tardismate is evil...

Aug 05, 2009 20:13

For those of you waiting for the epilogue of Phone!Sex - Time Lord Style, I come bearing some advice.

Do not - and I REALLY mean this - do not come without some sort of cooling apparatus. It has gotten completely out of hand *unintended!innuendo is unintended lol* and I have had to go plug in my desk fan just so I can continue writing.

*blushes and winks at Welshman*

It's all his fault...*points up and smirks*

Anyway, I decided to ring him to run a couple of things past him...and completely managed to derail his train of thought. Now that normally wouldn't be a problem - except that he's currently in the studio with the band and an orchestra, laying down a track for their forthcoming second album. He has his phone in his front jeans pocket, and on vibrate only...get the picture? LOL ...GUHing in the middle of a song may well be the way to go...*smirks*

So, now I'm in the doghouse, and have had to promise to make myself available later so that he can get his revenge...*grins wickedly*

Which all means that the Epilogue is proceeding apace - in case you're interested ;D

fic!tales, rl, welshman

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