Fic. Phone!Sex - Time Lord Style (2/3?)

Aug 03, 2009 16:34

Authors Notes: Inspired by RL, and a certain Welshman...whose voice could drag an angel into the gutter...

Chapter Two

The Doctor drew in a quick breath. Even her voice was affecting him now. Her husky, tired tones filled his ear and wormed their way into both his brain and his groin. He shifted slightly, his aching erection now completely out of his control, and quite definitely in hers. He moaned as he pressed himself against the edge of the console, hoping against hope that it would ease some of the tension he was feeling, and help him gain some semblance of coherency. As he expected, it was futile. The concerned voice of his companion filtered through the fog of desire that was clouding his mind, and he realised he hadn’t actually said anything to her yet. Ah. Right. Yes. Speech. Would be good, if he could manage it.

“Doctor? You okay? What’s wrong? What’s happened? Do you need me to come home?”

“Rose,” he squeaked, then cleared his throat before trying again.

“Rose, no it’s fine, nothing’s wrong, per se, everything’s fine, well, wonderful really, when you think about it, and I have, thought about it, I mean, quite a lot and...I’m babbling again, aren’t I? he finished, sounding a little shamefaced.

He ruffled his hair and began to stroll back and forth around the console, completely forgetting he was tethered to the phone by the handset cord, and managed to get himself spectacularly tangled. As he was trying to get himself out of the unholy mess he managed to get himself into, both literally and metaphorically, his legendary big gob decided to strike out on it’s own, without first consulting his brain. Big mistake.

“I know you have absolutely no idea what I’m rambling on about, but just hear me out. I was missing you, thinking about you - us, really, - and it suddenly came to me in a flash that I lo - hold on. You said home. You called here, home. The Tardis. Home.” He grinned like a madman. Perhaps it wasn’t such a big mistake after all, letting his gob loose on its own. He paused, holding his breath for her answer.

Rose was completely bemused, and not a little confused, too. Where on earth was this conversation, for want of a better word, going? She settled back against her pillows, still not entirely convinced that nothing was wrong with him.

“Well, yeah, course I did. It is home. Has been for ages.” And then her mouth disengaged from her brain, too.

“Anywhere you are is home, Doctor.” She clamped a hand over her mouth and gasped. Had she really just said that? Was there something wrong with her too? Had they both picked something up on that last planet they had visited, whose name she could never hope to pronounce correctly? She really hoped that last bit hadn’t registered in his huge Time Lord brain. She needed to speak again, but couldn’t find her voice. Oh God, don’t let him leave me here. Not now. Please. She whispered a curse.

“Oh, Fuck!”

He had heard. He had heard her quite clearly - and his hearts had leapfrogged over themselves in his joy. She did. She felt the same, he was sure of it. He felt like dancing round the console, but thought of the tangle he had just removed himself from and restrained himself. Her words had done nothing to calm his raging erection, and he knew he was going to have to do something about it, only now he wouldn’t be alone while he did. He had never tried phone sex before - well, it wasn’t really the done thing the last time he had indulged in physical pleasure, nor was his partner at that time one he would have happily participated with in this really quite wonderful human pursuit. But now. Oh, now he had Rose. He smiled.

“Oh, yes, Rose. Quite definitely.”

His voice had dropped an octave or two, and it was now purring in her ear, slithering down her spine like melted chocolate and warm honey, pooling low in her groin. He was going to kill her if he kept that up, but she had never heard his voice like that before, and she was damned if she was going to stop him. Wait a minute! What was he saying yes to? She swallowed audibly then almost whispered,

“’M sorry?”

“I said,” he drawled, “’oh yes, Rose, quite definitely’, in response to your ‘oh fuck’. That clear things up a little, hmm?”

He chuckled as he heard the little moan she clamped down on. Seems she liked him talking dirty. He made a mental note to carry on with that. And then noticed the complete silence on the other end of the line.

“Rose? You still there?” He removed the receiver from his ear and looked at it hard, as if it would magically make his Rose appear right in front of him. He quickly raised it back to his ear as he heard her choked voice answer him.

“Um...yeah. Can I just...? Did you just...? Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” She was hoping she hadn’t misunderstood what he was implying, because right now, lying here on her bed, she had never been so turned on in her life, and all he done was insinuate that he wanted her.

“ You mean am I suggesting that we indulge in a little mutual masturbation to relieve the tension, Rose? Then, yes, Yes I am. That okay, Rose?” His voice now made her shiver it was so low and dark, and all she could do was whisper.

“Yeah. Oh God! Yes, Doctor. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

“No? Then what about if I wanted to shag you right now, Rose. Wanted to fuck you so hard your screams would be heard throughout the universe. Wanted to taste every inch of you, work my tongue around you, push myself so deeply inside you that you’d forget who you were. I’d make you beg, Rose. Make you plead me to let you come. And you would. Oh, you would. You’d come so hard the blinding light of a supernova would be like a guttering candle compared to it. And then I’d make you do it all over again, and again, until you couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe.”

He stopped then, not quite sure he could continue. He wasn’t only working her up, he was doing a fine job of working himself up too. He was so hard it hurt, and he undid the clasp of his trousers and lowered the zip, sighing in relief that the tight confines of his trousers had slithered to the floor, then took himself in his hand. The tip of his cock was leaking copiously, and he ran his thumb through the fluid there, spreading it around the head. He began to slide his hand slowly up and down his length, shuddering at the sensation of his cool hand against the slightly warmer flesh of his cock. He heard Rose moan.

“Oh, don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

“Are you touching yourself, Rose? What are you wearing? Touch yourself through it. Tell me how it feels. Tell me how wet you are for me, Rose.”

He took a shuddering breath, matched by hers on the other end of the telephone, and growled.

“ Tell me.”

ten, phone!sex - time lord style, rose, chapter 2, smut

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