Fic. New Boots And Panties (5/?)

Feb 08, 2009 20:18


Two hours later, with an exhausted Rose snoring lightly in his ear as he held her, his quicksilver mind was racing through the possibilities, and coming up with not a few ideas as to how this had happened. Slipping carefully from their bed (and it was theirs now, not just his, he thought, grinning like an idiot), he headed off to the Med Bay, intent on solving this riddle (he would not think of it as a problem until much later).

As he strode through the doorway, a shadowy figure in the corner caught his eye, and he felt rage in his guts. Who the hell had breached the Tardis’s defences...and more importantly, how. He growled low in his chest as he saw the man standing in the shadows.  The tall, thin, messy-haired figure chuckled at his reaction, and stepped into the light.


The man waggled his fingers at him before shoving them back into his trouser pockets, pushing his long coat out of the way as he did so, and fixed a manic grin on his face, before leaning against the wall and crossing his feet at the ankles.  It was a grin and a pose The Doctor knew well. He saw it in the mirror every day.

It was his.

Somehow, this day was getting stranger and stranger. First the invite to the club appearing, then the trouble with the mating hormones, and now a future him appearing...and seemingly amused by his plight, if that grin was anything to go by.

“So. I get to be a pretty boy, do I? That should please Rose. She’s a bit partial to ‘em.” This was said with just the hint of a sneer.

“Funny, that. She still seems to like big ears, though.”

The smirk and the raised eyebrow that accompanied that remark just about made him nauseous. He didn’t think he liked what he would be turning into...but then he realised just what his future self had revealed. He had said Rose still liked - which meant she was still with him. That thought made him smile at the skinny man with the mad hair and matching grin. Then something stuck him, and he just had to know.

“So you’re me. But how did you get here...and why?”

The other man laughed and tapped his temple.

“Remembered I had to be here, in order to tell you why it’s all happening now. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.”

This was said as a hand rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a pair of spectacles, which were quickly shoved atop of the rather pointed nose, while the other hand gestured wildly around him.

The Doctor sighed. It seemed he had a bit of a mad professor thing about him next time well as spouting complete and utter rubbish! ‘Still, could be worse,’ he thought to himself, ‘at least the clothes are reasonably stylish and not multicoloured, and he doesn’t have a scarf trailing after him!’

“I take it that you’re the cause of this mess I’m in, then. You’d better sit down and explain, cos Rose is gonna kill me soon if I don’t figure it out, an’ I’ve got no idea where to start!” He leant against the bed, folded his arms, crossed his ankles and waited for the answer.

The other man stilled his perambulations of the room, pulled his earlobe and grimaced.

“It’s...complicated. Very complicated. Very very complicated, really, and it’s not all his fault, either, it just happened that way. Sorry. Rambling, aren’t I. Rose’d get annoyed with me for that. Again. Right. Anyway...It’s our eldest son’s doing, really. He looked at the timelines, realised that if he didn’t invent it, he wouldn’t exist so his Tardis gave him the materials he needed and Bang! There it was.” He paused at the shell-shocked look on his past self’s face and smiled gently.

“You have no idea what I’m talking about, have you, you poor sod. Okay, I’ll make it simpler for you. Our son the genius invented Muresemit.” He grinned proudly, and waited for a reaction.


“Muresemit. Makes similar species compatible, so that they can increase their numbers without resorting to cloning or other such outmoded ways of the Looms.” He added that last with a grimace. “It restores the primal mating urge we lost during that process, but his prototype was a bit...unrefined, shall we say; as was his initial experiment to see if it worked. It did. All too well, as you have just discovered. Once I found out what he had done, I had to come here to try and put things right. Bit impulsive, that boy, although he is only a hundred and three and hopefully will grow out of it long as his mother doesn’t make him regenerate first...which I may add she has threatened to do if I don’t fix this. It seems she remembers all too well how she couldn’t even bend over to tie her shoelace without you putting things into practice.” He chuckled at the memories the conversation was evoking for him, at the same time as The Doctor was remembering how he had jumped on Rose earlier that evening when she had been removing her shoes.

As both men dissolved into guffaws of laughter, a voice from the corridor reached them. Rose. And she did not seem happy to be up and about.

“Oi. Stop it. Haven’t you had enough yet! And why does it feel stronger than before. Doctor? You in the Med Bay, then?. Figured it out yet, have you? You are SO gonna get a slap if you don’t stop thinking about sex all the time. At least you would if I had the energy to raise my arm.” She stopped open-mouthed in the doorway at the sight of two grown men laughing so hard that tears were leaking from their eyes, as at the same time an unstoppable wave of lust hit her. She gripped the doorframe to kepp herself upright, and watched as both men’s nostrils flared, their eyes darkened , they glanced at each other...and then they grinned at her. A feral, primal grin.

She wasn’t sure if she should be extremely scared...or just amazingly turned on.

In the end, she was both.

rose, fic, nine, smut

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