Fic. New Boots And Panties (4/?)

Nov 03, 2008 23:08


Back in the Tardis, Rose pulled on the Doctor’s hand as he began to not-so-subtly steer her in the direction of the bedrooms corridor. He stopped and looked back at her, a comically quizzical look on his face, which made her giggle.


“Doctor, you can’t just mention tests and not expect me to ask what for. So, what tests, and why?”

He grinned at her brightly (which instantly put her on the alert - no good had ever come of THAT grin), took a deep breath and began to speak very calmly...and very fast.

“Well that place was a special club, like I told you, with a mood enhancer in that particular room to induce uninhibited sexual behaviour an’ you’re the first human I’ve ever met who has linked with a Gallifreyan and stayed sane, although that bit might jus’ be debateable, an’ you’re chemically bonded to me now which means that when I get all hot an’ bothered so will you and I’ve no idea how that happened because it shouldn’t have done an’ I think something in the atmosphere of that place has made either one or both of us mutate slightly since I’m the last of my kind and you’re obviously receptive to me which meansthattechnicallywe’remarriedan’wecanhavebabies!”  He grinned again, very brightly. “Nothing I can’t sort out, so come on, lets have another session. You had some ideas, you said?”

That last part of his somewhat garbled explanation was said so fast that all Rose got was ‘married’ and ‘babies’, which completely threw out of her head what she had originally picked up from the start of it.

“Hang on. Let me get this straight. You take me to a club where they have a date-rape drug in the air just so’s you can get a shag, and now you’re tellin’ me that when you get horny so will I, that you’ve been in my head and cos of that we’re married now and can have babies!” At this point in the conversation Rose was shouting.

The Doctor flinched as her face got up close and very personal with his, but not in the way he would have liked. Maybe telling her right at that particular moment had been a bad idea. A very bad idea. This was not going as well as he had hoped. He tried to back away a little, to regain some personal space, but as Rose followed him his back hit the console, and a disapproving hum manifested itself in his head. Oh, don’t you start on me too. It wasn’t my fault. Was it you meddling with us? Was it? Since the Tardis did not deign to reply to his accusations, he could safely assume that it hadn’t been her. So who would have done this...and why?

He was so lost in his musings that he failed to see the hand that blasted against his cheek. Bloody Tyler women - just had to slap, didn’t they. Nine hundred and odd years old - and this was the first time any lover of his had slapped him. Never had the need to before, he supposed, and smirked without realising it. That was the final straw for Rose.

“Right. Med bay. Now! Do these damn tests of yours, then you can figure out how to stop this...whatever it is! An’ until you do, you can keep your dick to yourself!” She marched away from him in the direction of the Med Bay, her arse swinging as she stomped along the corridor. She felt his eyes on her arse, and a sudden twinge between her legs. He’d been right - and she wasn’t sure if it would actually turn out to be a good thing...or if it would work both ways. She could always try it out later...once she had locked her bedroom door.

“An’ you can forget that - stop it right now!”

“Sorry Rose, but I can’t. I just wanna fuck you all the time, especially...” He tailed off as he heard her groan and watched as she leaned on the Med Bay doorframe to compose herself, before entering. He grinned to himself. He had often wondered what it would be like to shag someone on the scanning table - maybe, just maybe, if he thought about it enough, he would get the chance. He began to hurry after her.

“Oi! Doctor! Don’t even think about...oh!...oh my god!”

As the Doctor burst into the room, rapidly undoing his flies, he skittered to a halt. The dress was on the floor, and Rose was leaning over the scanning table, her head resting on her forearms and her delectable little arse sticking up in the air. The scent of her hormones completely triggered his and he heard her moan loudly as he positioned himself and thrust swiftly into her hot dripping wet core. Her screams bounced off the walls and echoed down the corridor, as he pounded into her as if his life depended on it...which wasn’t right, he thought. He could control his hormones, he why did he feel so out of control? Why did he feel like someone’s puppet? His thoughts were banished as his primal instincts took over and he battered her into the table, her breathy little screams only serving to spur him on, faster and deeper and...his whole body seemed to explode in a golden light as he came, Rose garbling his name as she too was forced into a monumental climax.

He collapsed against her back as he regained his senses, smelling and tasting the energy in the air from his climax. This was very much not right.

“Rose. Something’s wrong with me.”

“Yeah. You’re insatiable, that’s what’s wrong. Or right. Not arguing, though.”

“No, I mean something’s really wrong. I shouldn’t go off like that. Expelling energy like a regeneration...’s not right. It’s very much wrong.” He sounded worried.

Rose was worried too. The Doctor never sounded worried, so this time there was something up. He wasn’t just saying it so she’d shag him. She decided she needed to take charge.

“Right. Blood tests first, yeah?  Both of us. An’ we’ll take it from there. Maybe the Tardis might have some ideas once we do that. Gotta start somewhere, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Rose. Gotta start somewhere. Then brain scans. And I’ll fire up the Isolation Pods, just in case I need to go into stasis while we sort it. And we will...but up for another round?” He grinned at her hopefully.

Rose felt the stirrings of interest in the pit of her belly, and knew that this was going to be a long...if pleasurable...process.

plotty, rose, fic, nine, smut

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