Title: Long Journey Home
Author: Gail R. Delaney
Series: The Unseen and In Between
Setting: Series 3 and 4 through “Journey’s End”. Each section will indicate which episode the particular scene revolves around either before - during - or after - as reference.
Genre: There’s everything here… first a lot of angst, then some thrills, some deep friendship, some hurt/comfort, and oh, yes… there will be romance.
Rating: PG-13 overall
Disclaimer: Not mine. If I owned Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant would be my own private little playmates.
Summary: More than once, the Doctor told Rose something was ‘impossible’, just to later prove himself wrong. She no longer believed in impossible because of him. Then he told her that she could never see him again - that the walls were closed forever. Yeah, well… he also said they couldn’t do something else, and she had to prove one theory wrong to show he was wrong on both.
A/N: This is not Journey’s End compliant, but I think that parts of it are a heck of a lot closer to ‘canon’ than the actual episode. In fact, in some ways it’s not Season 3 and 4 compliant. There are copious references back to other stories in the Unseen and In Between series, so many that I can’t point them all out. So, if you haven’t read the series - or it’s been awhile - you may read some things that you don’t remember. Probably a reference back. For me, it’s one long, unending loop of a story so I fall back on these facts as if they were canon.
And a note on the timeline… RTD only indicated in the series that the alternative universe was ahead of this one, but not how or why. Some believe that time moves faster there, but I am going under the assumption that time moves at the same rate, but the timelines have been jarred by going back and forth which is why Mickey came to our universe after the war there.
What this means is that Rose may have left this universe in 2006, she went to let’s say 2009 in Pete’s World. But, time moves at the same speed so two years passed for her (or roughly - I don’t assume one ‘series’ is one ‘year’). So, she may have come back to this universe in 2008, but she left Pete’s World in 2011… make sense? They’re just not aligned, it’s not a matter of time moving at a different rate.
Get it? Got it? Good. Onward…
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine