Oct 18, 2013 15:32
Well hello everyone,
So I wanted to discuss my speedy accumulating obsession for this show, now just as a disclaimer I have followed this show on from the Vampire Diaries and yes I have joined on this bandwagon for some Klaus and Elijah eye candy; that's not to say I don't love me some Rebekah especially with her latest bad ass ego, lovin' that. I want to also add that I'm going to keep this spoiler-free. Keep on reading should you like to.
I can highly recommend this show to anyone interested in Vampires and or fantasy and drama related plots. As a bonus I believe this show's got an all-around good rating for violence, I personally wouldn't mind if it got more graphical or gory, but in saying that where it's at now has definitely got a big factor in what's kept me watching this show. They've not yet pushed the boundaries for originality when it comes to 'species' - for lack of a better word- but there's still plenty of time and I'd love to see this idea approached, what do you think? Now there's definitely been plenty of drama since this show started and yes some romance-y and others are just family feuds but in all honesty the creators of this show have done a good job on avoiding cheesy moments.
The characters have been focused a lot more on since Vampire Diaries, which makes sense, but considering this we're getting a lot more of an insight on why these characters are the way they are now, mostly personality-wise.
I'm going to end this here, so I don't start rambling on too much, but let me know if you'd like to know anything else about this show and I'll happily answer any questions about this show that come my way.
the originals,
vampire diaries,