It's the freakiest show

Apr 10, 2007 22:18

WOW. Seriously. There are no other words to describe the amazing rollercoaster ride that is the last ever Life On Mars. And what a way to go! Quite possibly the best finale of anything ever. I've been coherent for the intro, behind the cut is where CAPS LOCK and lots of exclamation marks live!!!

OMG HE WENT BACK TO 1973 AND OMG HAPPILY EVER AFTER AND WOW! On to the slightly more coherent review...

> I felt so sorry for Annie. I'm glad she turned him down. One night is nowhere near good enough. And she slapped him! Good on her. I was losing patience with him by then.

> Sam was really annoying me for a while in this ep. I kept thinking "No, you cannot do that to Gene. TO ANNIE!"

> Loved all the songs. The writers are amazing at picking the songs, they all have relevance. Notice Nelson talking about "sunken dreams" - a line in Bowie's "Life On Mars?". Lots of others I can't remember because of the SQUEE! Oh, did Morgan say it has happened a few times before? That could match up with the "lived it ten times or more". But

> OMG Chris freaking out was heartbreaking! And he got shot! And Ray and Gene! And Annie screaming. That killed me. And not in the good way. (You know, the "killed me with it's awesomness way).

> I thought he was actually going to stay in the future! I was about to murder someone. Because the episodes are usually 45 minutes, aren't they? This was an hour. (Yeah, this ep has fried my brain) I was seriously freaking out! But he made a promise to Annie! And he couldn't feel, and so he wasn't really "alive". And he jumped off a building! The same building he was going to jump off in the first ever episode, to get home. You see? Home is where Annie and Gene and all the rest are! Home is where the heart is, I always say!


> Loved Gene pulling up when they were kissing. So typical Gene. And driving after being shot. Completely off his head.

> And we go out with Sam and Gene argueing as usual. Fantastic.

> OMG Test Card Girl. Is it just me, or did she look a bit confused? It seems she was confused we were all still watching. You see? Brain is mush.

> Did we actually figure out what happened to Sam? If we did, and I've missed it due to the SQUEE overload, please someone explain.

> But you know what? I don't actually care that much! Because this is just fabulous television, with amazing characters and brilliant storylines! And

Overall: 5/5 Fantastic! Goodbye Life On Mars! You've been awesome!


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