(no subject)

Aug 10, 2010 22:01

This is my OMGWTF SHERLOCK ♥!!! post.

> Haha Sherlock is a grammar Nazi!
> Sherlock is so childish haha. Love the sofa flop and the way he turned away from John in a huff. And Sherlock's face when John goes to leave! Aww. ...I appear to have suddenly become a bit of a S/J slasher?
> LOL Sherlock has a gaydar. I totally read this as Molly trying to make Sherlock jealous. So I'm also a S/M shipper? Awk poor Molly.
> The pink iPhone has the same ringtone as my mum's, so she kept going to answer it and I was like "it's the TV!" And it's now going to creep me out a bit.
> I love the music in this series.
> The fight in the auditorium thing was so bizarre!
> Okay, I have decided I do find Sherlock attractive. It's the cheekbones and the hair and the coat and the voice. *fans self*
> I was so shocked by the reveal that Jim was Moriarty. The "I gave you my number, I thought you would call" thing was so creepy. I always thought of Moriarty as Irish, it is a really Irish name. So I should have had suspicions from the accent. But no, I was distracted by the initial LOLZ and "awk poor Molly".



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