Journey's End

Jul 05, 2008 20:37

Okay my thoughts haven't exactly gathered in any coherent manner, so expect CAPS LOCK and exclamation mark abuse!!!! And very little actual plot discussion.

> I KNEW he wasn't going to regenerate, but I DID NOT see the rest coming. The other Doctor and the whole Doctor Donna thing...nope, never EVER would have thought of that.
> And Khan being kinda a good guy...WHUT?
> "Children of time"...I love that. All of them are awesomesauce. Though what's with all the genocide notions they're having these days? Ooh are Martha and Mickey going to go to Torchwood? Awesome! Because Mickey can do the computer stuff like Tosh could and Martha's a doctor like Owen so it would totally work!
> The scene with all of them flying the TARDIS and pulling the Earth back was AMAZING.
> I cared SO LITTLE about the whole Dalek plot thing. Though Donna making them spin around was HILARIOUS.

Okay, the BIG stuff that kinda RIPPED ME APART:

> Okay I am so confused about the whole Doctor/Rose thing. I'm happy she's with the Doctor, or...sort of, I dunno and OMG KISSAGE!!!! but the actual Doctor is ON HIS OWN and it BREAKS MY HEART! Bittersweet, I guess. Like she didn't really fall in love with him, but it is kinda him. I dunno, MY HEAD HURTS ALMOST AS MUCH AS MY HEART!!!
> He had to WIPE DONNA'S MEMORY and she's going about her business and she doesn't recognise him AND OMG IT HURTS!!! Donna was fabulous.
> Donna's granda's speech. *wails* That guy ALWAYS makes me cry.

OOOOH, movie trailer-esque trailer for Christmas. CYBERMEN! DAVID MORRISSEY! AWESOMESAUCE.  5 months, 20 days. Bring it on. 
LOL my friend just phoned me and I couldn't make out half of what she was saying because she was crying so much. We get too emotionally involved in TV shows. *sigh*

I think I'm going to go watch the Confidential and then rewatch bits of the episode again. =]


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