Seasons Change and a Vid Rec

Oct 21, 2008 19:38

Sooo, I've entered my first Fic-challenge thing here on LJ,
time_and_chips "Seasons Change". I've never entered in anything like that before...ever. I think I've always been a bit nervous to do that. But I did like the whole "seasons" theme, and I have been thinking about writing an autumny fic as it's my favorite I figured what the heck! Go try it out and enjoy it! And so today I decided to join (after debating on it for the last few weeks!) I've got the basic outline going, now it's just filling it all in and making it make sense.

Also found a lovely fanvid on youtube about the Doctor and Rose, Martha and Donna. It's a gorgeous one, and I now have the song that they used playing on my I-pod. I encouage everyone to go take a look at it here. I get a bit choked up everytime I watch it.

writing, recs, doctor who: vids

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