While I was prowling through the Awesome Ladies Ficathon reading fics, I seem to have ended up writing something. It's a Dollhouse double-drabble focusing on Adelle DeWitt. It's rather hasty and unbeta'ed, but anyone interested can find fic and prompt
right here. If you want to find the many other ficlets better than mine and write/prompt some of your own (you should!) , here's the shiny banner to take you to them:
To sign up to write something longer than a comment, try part 2 of the ficathon
TV Meme, Day 15: Favorite Female Character
This is even harder than choosing a male character! Rose Tyler is my favorite to write, although that's partially because I'm a diehard shipper in addition to loving Rose for her adventurous, caring, courageous self. I love Donna Noble's mixture of brassiness and empathy. She's fierce and loving, alternately cocky and insecure, and all in all magnificent. All hail Supertemp! Tosh's brand of quiet, repressed brilliance endeared her to me greatly.
Moving out of the Whoniverse, Kaylee Frye is utterly adorkable, and manages the trick of having a strong crush on an (initially) oblivious man without letting that crush consume or define her. During the early seaons of BtVS, I identified with Willow Rosenberg as powerfully as I've ever identified with any character on television. The brains, the shyness, the nerdiness, the struggle to define herself in the shadow of a charismatic friend...she and I had so much in common, and I loved her for it. As time went on, Willow changed (as characters should) and became a little less someone I could identify with. When S6 rolled around just as I was dealing with issues of depression and loneliness, I suddenly started empathizing most strongly with Buffy. Buffy's a richly developed character, strong emotionally as well as physically but also very much a flawed human. Dollhouse's Adelle DeWitt shows that it's possible to be utterly badass without being the one who throws the punches. Dana Scully is smart, sensible, loyal, brave, and in possession of a great deadpan sense of humor. Morgana is confined by the boundaries of a noblewoman's place and the need to hide her growing magic, but the strength of her spirit shines through. She's brave, and she knows how to wield a sword. Gwen, meanwhile, is the heart of Camelot, as well as a rare voice of sanity.
Those are just the ones I think of who tend to top my personal list most often. I could also sing the praises of Martha Jones, Amy Pond, Sarah Jane Smith, Gwen Cooper, Romana, Lois Habiba, Harriet Jones, Liz Ten, Zoe, Inara, River, Tara, Anya, Cordelia, Fred (from Angel), Sierra, November, Echo, Claire Bennett, Uhura...the list goes on and on. How to pick a favorite?
Let me be a stereotypical female and prefer cooperation over competition. Too many fantastic females to choose! Group hugs all around. Now watch this amazing video by
such_heights. It's a multifandom marvel of ladies kicking butt, going on journeys, doing science and magic, and generally being fantastic. (If anyone hasn't seen this before and needs to thank the vidder, it was posted
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid VaultStill to come:
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Day 19 - Best t.v show cast
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
Day 21 - Favorite ship
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First t.v show obsession
Day 29 - Current t.v show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death