This way to squee!

May 09, 2010 16:03

Vampires of Venice is my new favorite S5 episode.  Having vampires gave it an automatic +1 for me, but this episode was awesome in so many ways.  First and foremost, RORY!  I think I may have to grow a binary vascular system to encompass how much I *heart* him.  He leaves adorable messages on Amy's voicemail and does his homework on the crazy science involved with the Doctor!  He runs around Venice in a shirt with his face on it and then rocks the period costume!  He perceives the way the Doctor can be a bad influence on people and says it to the Doctor's face, but doesn't let resentment or attitude get in the way of getting the job done!  He comes prepared with a flashlight and useful nursing skills!  He fights a friggin' vampire with a broom and some laundry, then helps Amy while she slays it with a mirror!  His awesomeness makes me use lots and lots of exclamation points!!!!1!1!

Eleven might have been a huge jerkface toward Rory initially, but he also wore awesome steampunk goggles while working on the TARDIS.  Goggles!  Plus, I laughed so hard when he popped out of the cake.  The jumping up and down squeeing about vampires with Amy was also quite adorable.  Also adorable in an ouch-my-brain sort of way:  "think of the children!"

As high as the squee factor was, I also liked the serious stuff between the aliens and the Doctor.  The vampire space fish were trying to do a monstrous thing, but not just for eeevil or even profit.  Many humans would probably do the same thing if the last of our kind were forced onto an alien world and had to destroy a city and kill some aliens to ensure the survival of our species (see The Beast Below).  I liked the way the leader (Rosanna?) tried to play off the Doctor's last of the time lords issues.

This episode was gorgeous to look at, funny, thoughtful, low on plot holes, well-acted by both regulars and guests, and all around fantastic.  All of the characters got to be useful.  Eleven out of eleven!  

doctor who, vampires, rory, amy pond, squee, eleven, episode reactions

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