In one camp, we have cows, Dick Cheney, oil and coal companies, apathy, moose, and mammoths*.
In the other camp, we have Al Gore, people of conscience everywhere, and...kangaroos?
apparently kangaroos are the next big thing in the struggle against global warming. Crikey! Because of their gut bacteria, kangaroos have methane-free farts. Scientists are hoping to figure out how to give these bacteria to cows and sheep to clean up their emissions.
It's kangaroos vs. moose, with the fate of the world in the balance!
Meanwhile, I just learned that Christopher Eccleston is vegetarian, which means when I drag him off to a love-nest we can share meals warms my herbivore heart.
*Many people know that cow farts are a huge source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. A recent Norwegian study found that population increases and diet changes among moose are causing them to also produce dangerous amounts of greenhouse flatulence. Melting permafrost is allowing frozen mammoth dung to thaw, thus releasing still more methane.