Dollhouse tonight featured lots of Victor, and therefore contained lots of awesome. It had a few flaws, but overall I give this week's episode an emphatic vote of approval.
Enver Gjokaj really is an amazingly talented actor. He deserves to be all sorts of famous and get roles all over the place when/if Dollhouse is no longer on the air. Tonight he had me howling with laughter when he accidentally got imprinted as Kiki and started dancing in the nightclub. For entertainment value, that scene was easily the equal of
the time Angel danced. He was also really cute clinging to Paul. However, I would have liked to have seen Paul have that preppy arrested for hate crimes for attacking Kiki!Victor on the basis of perceived sexual orientation.
Speaking of Paul, I think he may have overtaken Topher for the title of Sketchiest Major Character. Ogling Echo in the shower was creepy. Even in her new state of understanding her status as a doll somewhat, she's still fairly naive in her doll state. That man is not motivated by a selfless desire to return power to the powerless, at least not chiefly. Last week, he suggested that it might be easier if Echo had her memory scrubbed and went back to being a normal, helpless doll while he went about the manly business of undermining the dollhouse. I was interested to see how smoothly Paul was working with Adelle. These two are more alike than they really want to admit.
Boyd got to be Echo's (non-sketchy) handler again for a mission! Hooray! I loved his laconic reaction to finding out that Victor was imprinted with a serial killer and on the loose. Speaking of serial killers on the loose, I'll be interested to see whether that personality crops up in Echo again. Eep.
What kind of college professor can afford to hire an Active? I suspect that a short, low-risk romantic engagement is cheap as Dollhouse services go, but it still seems unlikely. Maybe he's from a wealthy family or has a wealthy spouse (who presumably doesn't know what he's doing with all that money). Also, I suspect if any of my professors had a vaguely similar fantasy they would have gone for a smart student who would intellectually engage them before she seduced them in an effort to move a grade from a B to an A. (This is based on pure speculation, not actual data!) The ditziness was played up a tad too much for my taste.
Topher has ethical problems with something! Gold stars. He's also learning to do remote wipes. Bad implications for the future there.