I am deeply ambivalent about the recent news from the BBC. On the one hand, I adore Rose and want to see her onscreen again. There is potential for all sorts of good things from 'shipper wish fulfillment to closure with Jack to girly bonding in the TARDIS. Doomsday left me weeping and thoroughly saddened, and this could finally make things happier again.
On the other hand, I am no longer sure I actually want Rose to return in canon given the practical constraints of the show. Doomsday was so painful, and I wish that they had found some other way to get Billie off the show if she had to go, but now that it's canon part of me wants to let it stand. Let impossible mean impossible.
I am more than a little bit of an OTP Rose/Doc shipper. It's not that I think they are each other's only possible loves for all time and will die emo deaths without the other. Of course not! Separated, I think they will eventually both go on to live meaningful, reasonably happy lives and love other people, perhaps just as strongly. However, I consider them deeply in love in a 'til death or Void do us part sort of way. In the real world, the announcement only mentioned three episodes. Even if there are more than that, sooner or later Billie will leave again. Either Rose will die (I doubt this), they'll become trapped apart again (feels too repetitious), or one character will choose to leave the other. I don't want to see Rose and the Doctor falling out of love.
Of course Rose has been living her own life in Pete's World and might have moved on, but I am skeptical whether the writers can make that fantastic life she's made for herself feel more real and important than her love for the Doctor and the TARDIS in just three episodes. Better to leave the reunions to the realm of fanfic, where happily ever afters can really be ever after.
Fearing something joyful because it will have to eventually end is stupid, but I'm doing it anyway. Rose returning just now might also be a stupid idea, but RTD and crew are doing it anyway.
Because I am a memesheep, here's my wishlist.
-sorry to say, but I want some angst. Not "I'm dead because we're apart!" levels of angst, but if everything is kittens and rainbows it will feel false.
-some not-angst. I love the Doctor and Rose happy together.
-a real Doctor/Rose kiss. -Rose living a real life for herself, being self-sufficient, kicking ass and taking names despite continuing to miss the Doctor.
-Jack getting to interact with Rose, preferably with heavy OT3 overtones.
-bananas. -something about what happened for Mickey, Jackie, and Pete, even if the actors don't actually appear.
-Hey, it's my wishlist, so I'm going to get specific and unrealistic. I want Rose to be traveling with an alternate version of the Doctor. (I write fanfic about it because I feel like it's a nifty idea!) This would provide a worthy explanation for why Rose can't stay with our universe's Doctor. We fans get the fun of multiple Doctors onscreen. It could be an alternate Ten for double the David Tennant yumminess. Alternatively, there could be alternate Eight if Pete's World hasn't had a Time War--so far. Better yet, let's have Billie Piper's appearance be a misdirection to keep us from learning about from the extra secret set presence of Christopher Eccleston as an alternate Nine! John Smith from
honorh 's "Seed Pearls" would be one excellent model. Also, if the powers that be wanted to take my alternate Nine from "What country, friends, is this?" I wouldn't dream of suing them! I'd be too busy squeeing until I passed out.
A big part of me wishes the digital age wasn't around to give us casting spoilers like this. I think news this big would be better if truly a surprise on the show, the sort of thing to make us all fall out of our chairs gasping. My mood keeps vacilating between "they can't possibly get this right" and "'The Stowaway' was a true sign! And it's such a happy song! The world is a shiny place and RTD & crew are made of awesome!"