Winter Soldier Reactions

Oct 21, 2015 00:04

It is immensely entertaining to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier with someone who is unspoiled about the Winter Soldier storyline.  When I was watching it in the theater for the first time, the friend I was with gasped and covered her mouth with her hands when Steve first recognized Bucky. (I was involved enough in fandom that even though at that point I hadn't read the relevant comics I already knew the Winter Soldier's identity.) Tonight, I watched it with a different friend who is good with faces, so as soon as the Winter Soldier was unmasked she said out loud, "Oh my god, is that his friend?!?"  Experiencing the reveal vicariously through unprepared non-fandom people is super fun.

Having just re-watched CATWS, I am once more awash in feelings.  All I really want to do is read fic.  Alas, I have an early start and a punishingly long work day tomorrow, so I need to go to bed.

captain america, marvel cinematic universe

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