I haven't been on livejournal much lately and haven't made a post of my own in far longer, which is a crying shame. So I suppose I should start by saying: Not Dead. Just lazy and distracted by tumblr and without much to say.
Last week was one of those very rare weeks with multiple really good things in the news. The subsidies for Obamacare remained legal (meaning I can continue to afford health insurance that only sorta sucks) and MARRIAGE EQUALITY IS THE LAW ACROSS THE US!!!!!! I am so damn happy. Of course this isn't the end of the journey towards equality, but it's a pretty huge step. I spent most of the day Friday liking all the happy posts on social media and playing the corniest love songs in my music library.
I finally finished watching Leverage, and damn I am so in love with that show! I'd slowed down my viewing a lot when I got to season 5, mostly because I didn't want it to be over, but I finally realized there was no point in putting off the ending further. While S5 had been a teensy bit uneven in quality, that was one of my favorite series finales of any show ever. It was true to the characters and the spirit of the show, exciting, delivered satisfying closure while making it clear that the story went on, and most of all full of FEELS. [Slightly spoilery?]Also, I am pretty sure that my Parker/Hardison/Eliot OT3 is about as close to canon as any OT3 I've ever shipped. Until my dying day, oh my goodness. The whole show was just so great. If you like found families, heists with exciting twisty plots (but rarely annoying gotcha gimmicks), complex and lovable characters, relationships that take a long time to develop in a way that feels natural to the characters, a willingness to shine a light on the way corporate power hurts ordinary people, lots of humor that is almost never mean, geeky references, and all-in-all quality television, I highly recommend Leverage. It's all on Netflix.
After I finished the finale I found this amazing Parker/Hardison/Eliot vid, which I honestly watched at least four times in the first 24 hours after I found it and several times since then. Spoilers for the whole show.
Meanwhile in Marvel cinematic universe fandom, I have a fic rec! A Long Winter by dropdeaddream and WhatAreFears is a Steve/Peggy and Steve/Bucky canon divergence AU where Steve doesn't "die" in the plane crash but instead lives on and marries Peggy. In the 60s, someone finds Bucky's unsent love letters to Steve and leaks them to the press. This fic is amazing! The authors have clearly done a ton of research and tied the events of Steve's life to historical events and moods. This is the bisexual Captain America that all decent Americans hope for; he truly, deeply loves Peggy but will also never stop loving Bucky and mourning his death. Of course, we readers know that death is not actually what happened to Bucky. The writing is lovely and packs an emotional whallop. There's a sequel that I haven't read yet. In fact, I think that's what I'm going to go do now.
What's up with y'all? Are you also not dead? What fanworks or tv/books/comics/movies have been making you happy?