Almost all of y'all have probably seen this, but if you haven't, you should REALLY watch "The Night of the Doctor," the mini-episode prequel to the 50th anniversary special. (If you are working phenomenally hard to avoid spoilers and haven't watched the trailer or anything, save this mini-episode until just before you watch the main episode.
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I actually really like the way they're handling regenerations and the Time War. I only know Eight from the movie, but even so I could never picture him as a soldier in the war. I think this decision to regenerate into a warrior is a powerful metaphor for what everyone who fights in a war must do: choose to become a new person, a person you don't want to be and wish you could later forget. I don't think later Doctors are absolving themselves of guilt by disavowing this incarnation; clearly they do feel guilty about the Time War, and clearly they believe they're the same person across incarnations. I think they're making a sort of statement to themselves that they're never going to become that person again. In summary:
"Coward or killer?"
"Coward, any day."
I agree entirely, though, with your feelings on Bad Wolf Rose. I think it would be SO COOL if she was involved with the war and she made him/he made himself forget. If that's true I will write ALL THE FIC about Bad Wolf Rose and do a happy dance. But it would undermine the power of Season 1 if the Doctor purposely sought her out.
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