National Poetry Month: "Siren Song" by Margaret Atwood

Apr 02, 2013 01:26

April is National Poetry Month!  I adore poetry, though I read less of it that I used to.  I think this month I'll make an effort to reverse that trend as I hunt up poems and post them here.   I'll aim for at least two a week throughout April, perhaps more if time allows and the inclination remains.

Today's poem is by Margaret Atwood.   It tells a complete story in deceptively simple language.  I like its unique take on a myth and the darkly humorous punch of the ending.

~ ~ ~ ~

Siren Song

This is the one song everyone
would like to learn: the song
that is irresistible:

the song that forces men
to leap overboard in squadrons
even though they see the beached skulls

the song nobody knows
because anyone who has heard it
is dead, and the others can't remember.

Shall I tell you the secret
and if I do, will you get me
out of this bird suit?

I don't enjoy it here
squatting on this island
looking picturesque and mythical

with these two feathery maniacs,
I don't enjoy singing
this trio, fatal and valuable.

I will tell the secret to you,
to you, only to you.
Come closer. This song

is a cry for help: Help me!
Only you, only you can,
you are unique

at last. Alas
it is a boring song
but it works every time.

~ ~ ~ ~
I'd love to see what poems you feel like sharing, friends.


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