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Comments 6

syien_island July 12 2009, 17:50:53 UTC
Martha a Time Lord? Oh boy. Where will this leave poor mortal human James, who'll probably wring the Doctor's neck for this.

But, as a superpowered Time Lord, she'll be able to kick Jasmine's ass.


tardis_mafia July 12 2009, 23:41:05 UTC
Oh yes!

Where will this leave poor mortal human James, who'll probably wring the Doctor's neck for this.

Oh...you'll see. :D

But, as a superpowered Time Lord, she'll be able to kick Jasmine's ass.

I've tried not to make Martha very violent, because she's still the same sweet, but tough old Martha we've seen her.


80sgirl80 July 15 2009, 07:14:42 UTC
Holy sh*it! Martha's a Time Lord!! *runs giddily to read chapter 7*


tardis_mafia July 15 2009, 13:49:32 UTC
Uh huh, she sure is. ;)


abstruse_fangrl July 27 2009, 09:26:39 UTC
Martha's a Time Lady???

What the...

I must move on to the next chapter, pronto!!


tardis_mafia July 27 2009, 14:08:27 UTC
Oh yes! That part actually took a completely different turn than what I had intended.


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