Happy TARDIS Day!

Nov 23, 2012 12:18

I got my box on Wednesday.  Let me tell you, it was VERY hard to wait until today to open it.

My Great niece LuWu kept asking me yesterday, "Why I didn't open the box up yet?" I told her, "I can't open it up until Friday.

It was so worth it though. Thanks to my sister,sambhill for taking the pictures before she left for work.

This is me holding the box right before I opened.

haliegirl made me two things. A bag with the TARDIS and star background and something from my favorite Doctor(the 5th) a crocheted celery. I was showing my sister the celery and she asked me "if I still have the back pins I used to make pins" and I said, 'yeah somewhere.' "Well if you can find 2, I will sew them on the back and you can wear it." So KEWL! If you wondering why I don't sew them on, it's because if I sew it would be crap. Let me make little x's on a cross stitch and I can do that. LOL!

I also got a TARDIS keyring, box of English breakfast tea and Jammie Dodgers.
LOVE the keyring, though I'm going to have to watch my sister and great niece, for I fear these two will try to borrow it from me permanently.
I've never had a Jammie Dodgers, before so I can't wait to try them. Thinking a nice cup of tea would be nice with my breakfast.

I love this card. It's perfect in every way. LOL!

So I have to say,haliegirlmade this the best TARDIS Day ever for me.

Can we do this again soon???

tardis day 12

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