Poetry Once More: Thoughts Of a Dying Atheist

May 19, 2011 22:09

So for those of you who don't know, this is a structured poem, which means that it has a form. A form is any poem that has set rules that you must follow, so anything but free verse. This is a poem I wrote for my writing class and it's what is called a Villanelle (or what my fellow writers and I call "the villain-elle").

Disclaimer: The title was taken from the Muse song of the same name, so all credit goes to those wonderful men.

A/N: This is the kind of poem that comes out when you listen to far too much Muse while writing. Due to listening to them while writing my poetry, majority of my poems are about apocalypse, death, space, aliens, and government corruption. If you have a problem with this, please contact Matt Bellamy of Muse.

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills
Slowly, slowly…
Intrinsic is the web that tangles and trills

Molten in tendrills
Slowly, slowly…
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills

Preach the Father, thou faith instills
Slowly, slowly…
Intrinsic is the web that tangles and trills

Darkshines above, Heaven speaks; fullfills
Slowly, slowly…
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills

Emtiness abound engulfs thy shrills
Slowly, slowly…
Intrinsic is the web that tangles and trills

Answer no call, lonliness the grief of wills
Slowly, slowly…
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills
Intrinsic is the web that tangles and trills

thoughts, atheist, poetry, of, muse, dying, villanelle, a

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