20 Speculations

Feb 20, 2012 05:18

20 Questions and thoughts that have been running through my head and making it difficult to fall sleep:

1. Should I make my journal friends only?

2. Should I take down my writing?

3. I know I'm NOT writing their real personalities and I state so quite clearly; I technically just use them so I don't need to come up with characters of my own so I can mess about and have some fun without being serious (plus some other reasons I'm not going to bother listing) but I feel so guilty :C


5. I don't think I'm a good writer at all most days

6. I should stop putting myself down

7. Kvamming hell, if Tollak hit on me I would die of happiness!

8. If Terje smirked at me... think of a reaction that is FAR BEYOND the one in question/speculation #6 (to those who don't know, I am IN LOVE with Terje; literally IN LOVE)

9. I wish I could trust my parents

10. Janove Ottesen, why are you so perfect?

11. Geir, could you stop dancing in my head? You're making me giggle and I can't fall asleep...

12. Why don't I live in Norway?

13. I wish I had securer means so I could move out without putting stress on every relationship I have to date

14. Do I even want to go to post-secondary?

15. Is lack of motivation a serious problem? I think so. So why does my therapist keep telling me I'm fine?

16. Is anyone even going to read this?

17. I doubt anyone reads my journal

18. I wish I could be more creative and artistic

19. I tend to make a fool out of myself no matter what I do

20. It'd be nice to meet someone right about now who would seek me out and actually want to be with me instead of knowing a bunch of wishy-washy people who could take me or leave me and don't feel I'm worth knowing

questions, janove, writing, sleep, love, geir, speculations, guilt, travel, kaizers, orchestra

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