Yup, it's been six weeks since we kicked off this year's fest, so it's time to see how everyone's doing. Well, technically only us Mods will see that, but you're welcome to leave a comment letting your fellow participants how well/badly it's going. Don't forget to check the comments here, by the way. You might just find it encouraging!
Although this poll isn't compulsory, it would be incredibly helpful to us Mods if you'd fill it in, since we're starting to think about how many artists we're going to need, and a rough idea of numbers would really help us at this point. As I said this check-in isn't compulsory, but the next one will be. We need to know you're there to match you with an artist, and we can't do that unless you tell us!
Also, I wanted to take the chance to remind you about the Beta/Cheerleading post
here, where there are some people both offering and in need of assistance. Do consider giving your fellow-fans a hand - I know they'll appreciate it.
While I'm here, and in case you guys haven't seen it elsewhere,
torchwood_three is currently updating their lists, and have asked us to give a shout-out here. In case you don't know, they're a daily fandom newsletter focusing on Torchwood-related topics and discussions appearing on LiveJournal. They link to reviews, to art, to meta and pretty much everything else Torchwood-related you can think of. If you want them to put you on their list, you can leave a comment on this post, or you can leave a comment on any newsletter post.
As ever, let us know if you're having problems, either by comment, PM or on tardis.bigbang[at]gmail.com
>All set? Right,