King & Associates Tax & Accounting: Holy Apollo, Batman, I've got a second job! I figure getting offered one I could do -- and not go bonkers at -- in this job market was way too good to pass up. Also my boss is a super-awesome lady. She's got a plant she calls 'Audrey' and her hold music is George Harrison's 'Tax Man.' And it's not retail or food service!
This was my first full week with two jobs and it's going to take a while for me to adjust to it. I'm not doing a lot physically, but it's still way more work than I was doing before, so I'm tired. I'm not dead yet! I'm glad I'm getting in now before tax season takes off and all hell breaks loose. If I make it to April 15th 5 p.m. I get a margarita!
Anne McConville: An old friend of my family's came into town and stayed with me a couple of nights. She's this sweet, tiny, pixie-ish woman with gorgeous red natural curls and such a peaceful demeanor. It was nice to hang out with her. Her last night here she took me out for Grilled Duck Panang at Lemongrass Thai on Litchford Road in North Raleigh. It was delectable. I really love curry, especially paired with that milky Thai Iced Tea to cut the heat if my tongue loses sensation.
Also I got to introduce addict her to Diana Wynne Jones novels. Apparently there's a run on her stuff in a couple of Barnes & Nobles around here. Maybe everyone just discovered her? We had to hit a used bookstore, but there we found the first three Chrestomanci novels and one that was out-of-print that even the library didn't have. I snagged it for myself and my brain swallowed it whole.
The Wall: The album. I've been listening to it in my car and it's just right for now. For fans of Floyd and 'Chrono Trigger,' note that the music in the trial scene of the game is very nearly 'The Trial' from disc 2 (side four if you're a purist). Cool, huh? The first time I heard 'The Wall,' I thought, "Oh no! Did I eat that man's chicken? Did I bring the little girl's kitty back? Did I remember to talk to Marle before I picked up the pendant?!" And then the next time I played the game I started humming, "The crown will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you was caught red-handed showing feelings... of an almost human nature! This will not do!" (Clearly, this was the wrong order, and it should have happened the other way around, but I didn't get into prog rock until after RPGs.)
Here's my favorite remix of the 'Chrono Trigger' track:
The Trial in Concert. A piano solo arrangement, all done masterfully in one 7:49 take. Woo! [lighter] 'Free Bird'!
George Harrison: has come up so many times over the last few weeks that when last night Mom told me his birthday's coming up I decided that it must be Unofficial George Harrison Appreciation Time. So to the late Sir George, I say: I appreciate you and everything you've given the world. Love you, man.
" seems as if winter in England goes on forever, by the time spring comes you really deserve it." -- Sir George, on 'Here Comes the Sun'