
Sep 27, 2008 16:15

Well, I decided not to go to the Pacafiesta, just wasn't in a mood to go out, cause I'd had a bit of a crying jag over something earlier, and Conn and I got a bit tiffed at each other, but I think we've settled things out on that topic.

Now that he's at work til midnight, I've already done a sinkful of dishes, and have the muffin tin soaking so I can wash it to make a dozen muffins later. Got half a package of honey bran mix left, the first ones were good.  This time I want to add golden raisins to it.  I've moved the chairs in the living room, and am finally cleaning off the loveseat and putting it back against the wall, so we can USE it for seating instead of another surface to chuck things onto.  Only been... well, too long, since the stove got replaced sometime in the spring.  Now I have to figure out what to do with the 3 chairs.

I also hope to clean/sort through the piles of paper and other stuff on the white plastic table that's been beside the loveseat, and hopefully throwing the table out if I can.  Then I'll use the small round table mom made for me, and make that the end table instead.  Some stuff simply has to go, and I think that's an extraneous piece of furniture, if it can be called that.  I think it's actually a shoe rack/table.

There's another end table I'm thinking of tossing/replacing. It's 2 layers, like a small seat with a tiny table attached to it.  There's a very small backrest attached, and a padded seat.  I wouldn't trust it with my weight, for sure, but it's still good as an endtable.  I might try to get a picture of it up sometime. I'd like to get an endtable with a drawer or something under it, I want to get into hidden storage.

Somewhere in all this, I have to get at least 70 minutes of dictation typed up.

I really hope the weather holds at least fairly decent tomorrow around noon, as we're hoping to get down to a music store called Madrigal, it's heavily classical music with blues/jazz and early music too.  Conn almost drooled when I told him about it.  We might even stop at a Thai place for lunch/supper if things work out that way.

Okay, that's my break, off to see if the dustbuster is recharged enough to clean where the loveseat will be sitting.

cleaning, going out, table

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