Update from the States.

Oct 03, 2007 13:59

Hey all... been a while since I posted, either been too busy or just not in the mood the last few weeks.

Been down here in Chelmsford, Mass. since Saturday, has been fun. Got in at 11:30pm, then Jon and I dropped by a party that was nearby for a few minutes, I got to reconnect with another friend that I met through Jon at GNE, got a brief back massage from him, it was all good.

Sunday was pretty uneventful, and Monday Jon stayed home and we hung out. He taught me how to throw axes. >:D I actually got a few shots to stick, including a couple in the tripod rather than in the target, although those were accidental. :P I may have to try this more in the future.

Monday night I went to the Carolingian council meeting, I was expecting to only see the above-mentioned friend there (Udalrich), but there were a few others, including Peregrine *waves* and Thorson. I'm not sure if I was more surprised to see him there, or that he recognized me :P I don't recall ever really talking to him before, so it surprised me, but we got to say hi and talked briefly after the meeting. The meeting was in MIT's main building, which has an awesome foyer, I wish I had more time to look around.

I gotta admit, hearing about all the guilds and things down here makes me really wish we either had more of this up home, or that I was in a position to move down here. I've been toying with that thought for a while, but regardless, it'd be a minimum of 2 years before I could even think of doing it, cause I want to get my student loans paid off at a minimum.

Yesterday I went into the city on the commuter rail with Steph, who was on her way to work, and hung out with an online chainmaille friend in the city for the day. Got to see the old Library, which was freaking awesome! Also the Boston Commons. I was rubbernecking like a pro ;) Forgot my camera, though. :( Got to take the subway twice. Then Udalrich picked me up after he got off work and I spent the late afternoon/evening with him, hanging out. We had Vietnamese for supper, then I took the commuter rail back by myself, which was only mildly nervewracking as I tried to interpret the conductor's accent for the stops.

Today I stayed home (it is home for the week) and slept in, as sleep has been in very short supply so far. I stayed in bed til 10:30, it was nice. :D Then one of the housemates here took me into Walmart, where I bought a pair of jeans. I know I'm the same waist size, but whereas at home I'm a size 16, down here I'm a 12 ;) And they even had a 12 petite, which fits me very well. :D The 2% spandex is also awesome.

Tonight I'm going to the dance practice, where I'll see Udalrich again, who will be practicing with the Waytes, their band, and I may relearn some dances I first learned at GNE. Jon and Steph won't be there, as there's a Jewish holiday thing tonight.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get into the city again and browse some yarn shops, since Jon was nice enough to post to the Carolingian list for me and get recommendations on good shops. I have to make up a map of them tonight and figure which ones I can get to. I know of at least one that I tried to visit yesterday, but it's closed Mon-Tues, so it's definitely on my list tomorrow, as it has spinning AND yarn supplies :D Hoping to score some fiber stash.

Looking forward to Jon's birthday party Saturday, will be some there I know, more I don't, but it sounds to be lots of fun.

Will update again sometime this week, or maybe after I get home next week.

trip, yarn, sca, jon

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