I'm all happy today. One of the guys at work can lend me some eqp so's I can learn more stuff. I also downloaded a bunch of updates/utilities (freeware/shareware, etc...) that allow me to interface graphically with the SQL Server I've got installed, and also do some Class diagram modelling/UML shite, so that I'll be able to actually figure out my software structures and THEN do my coding, rather than try to do both at the same time. (Translation: Ever try to figure out what you're trying to do while doing it? It doesn't last long before smoke come out of ear!)
Oh, and watched the Democratic Candidate's debate on PBS (nerd again) tonight. I was both amused at how many people quoted Dennis (my fave for the Dem Nomi), and alarmed at how many of the other candidates were starting to rip off his best material. (Although even if he doesnt get the nomination and some of his more progressive initiatives get implemented, I'll be happy)
Check his site:
Dennis Kucinich BTW: I'm not a US citizen, although I am a legal permanent resident. Those of you who bitch about the government but don't even vote should shut the fuck up or hit the polls next November. You have the right to make your opinion count. I don't. Please don't waste that right. Better yet: Get informed about who's doing something about whatever it is that pisses you off and support them by whatever means you have available, be it financial, your extra time or whatever. You're citizens, its YOUR country, do with it what thou wilt.
implementing iOut