The first time I saw the ad for Mamma Mia! (exclamation point!) I thought, lame. LAME. Lamey McLamerson with extra cheese.
But then.. when I saw the ads and the first infectious (INFECTIOUS) strains of "Mamma Mia" started seeping into my brain, I thought "Wow. It's so colourful... but I do have that hatred of ABBA songs due to hearing them at every school social from years 3 - 9."
And then the next time... "Pierce Brosnan is looking pr-etty fine still. Oh, hellooo Colin Firth. Why am I not in situations where a possible father for my baby is not out of men who look like Pierce Brosnan & Colin Firth?"
And then the next time I was just exhausted from having babysat Rosemary's baby (seriously, I cannot believe I have spent about two months babysitting this kid without resorting to a Homer/Bart kind of stranglehold. Ah, the things one will do to afford goodies from Melbourne) and I just was seduced by all the colour and glitter and I got 'cheesy' and 'cute' confused in my brain and now my mind has turned to goo and I am just a big pile of Greek weddings & "Dancing Queen". SEND HELP IMMEDIATELY.
...or see if maybe it is just the seduction of the musical?
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This might also be due to the fact that I have a horrible cold (courtesy of the kids I look after) and am just miserable and surviving off a diet of salt & vinegar chips, lemonade, and Alka-Seltzer.
Also: did anyone else notice that the daughter in this is Karen from Mean Girls? She looks sooo different with a fake tan and when she's acting sweet & innocent instead of flaky & bitchy.