How did you bring the barrier down… some kind of magic?
I don’t know much about magic but I have been told it might be possible to create a barrier using the powers of a lot of magic users. Maybe you should try combining your power with others?
[Softer, sympathetic and totally without blame...]
If you hadn’t brought the barrier down some one else would have. It appeared to be the only way out.
I understand. I would feel bad about it too… if any of my efforts had met with as much success.
[Understatement. ]
However, there was no real way to know what would happen if the barrier fell. Information is a difficult thing to come by in this City. And it is only natural to try to escape.
I can’t say if that is actually the case, but people I know to be truthful have said as much. I doubt those people would purposefully lie about something like that.
I don’t know much about magic but I have been told it might be possible to create a barrier using the powers of a lot of magic users. Maybe you should try combining your power with others?
[Softer, sympathetic and totally without blame...]
If you hadn’t brought the barrier down some one else would have. It appeared to be the only way out.
[ Pause- ]
Still on my hands.
[Understatement. ]
However, there was no real way to know what would happen if the barrier fell. Information is a difficult thing to come by in this City. And it is only natural to try to escape.
I thought I'd never leave.
[But, I don’t see why that should be the case. ]
You know what they call that? Hearsay.
I doubt those people would purposefully lie about something like that.
[Feels the same way about this place and leaving… as soon as possible. ]
It was a nice try… if there hadn’t been that strange force out there, it might really have worked to set people free.
Anyway, I ain't givin' up. If I can't bring it up, I'll do something else.
I hope you will be able to stop blaming yourself for this as well.
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