courts did this for Outback Steakhouse and i've been in the Old Navy version of that group for awhile so i'm dragging it over too. :D
most of you won't find this amusing, maybe some of you who've worked retail.
celtic_fish ?
You know you work at Old Navy when...
1. you automatically greet everyone with "would you like to save 10%?"
2. you have tried to color code your closet at some point.
3. there's something about the way that you shop that says "old navy sales associate". (omg. ahahahahahahaha SO MANY TIMES i've been in there not working and had someone ask me for something. XD)
4. there is only one right way to fold a shirt.
5. you "don't work here" on your breaks
6. despite #5, you still will open fitting rooms while talking on the cellphone with your jacket on and pocketbook in hand. (!!!!!!!!)
7. you get angry if anyone even comes near your table. (i've taken to growling)
8. you start singing songs you didn't even think you knew.
9. you hate the commercials after hearing the same song 50 times every shift.
10. other than the select few genuinely nice customers, all customers are rude and obnoxious. (!!!!!!!!!!)
11. even though #10 may be true, you smile anyway.
12. you dread the conversation that starts with "no receipt? i'll have to give you store credit... by mail."
13. you know they don't like the return policy for the 1000th time. (you people don't understand that THIS is why i hate doing returns. ughhhhhhhhh)
14. you sell onc's in your dreams.
15. you hesitate to ask if we're running tonight.
16. food is a reward.
17. you are disappointed that in recent years that the flip flops just aren't what they used to be.
18. we don't have anymore because you should try looking in those up stocks when they're all switched.
19. it says we have 2... but you know that means none... although there are like 523 online!
20. sizing denim is a torture device. (OH. MY. GOD. THIS.)
21. you would stand and smell the scented candles for your whole shift if you could.
22. feature, denim, going out, active, lounge. and it will always be that way in your heart.
23. hiding other brand names on your clothes is like a game.
24. you've experienced the never ending black hole known as clearance.
25. you know the weekly customers by name.
26. getting a shiny -year pin is a big deal. yes you survived.
27. you can recite the order of the rainbow. roygbiv, that is.
28. hangers must be in question mark form.
29. you will sit forever on yahoo answers dicussing old navy problems and questions; or maybe thats just me! :)
30. you feel that t shirts could really express your feelings.
31. you feel jipped when they hire new employees because they take your hours, even though that was you a year or two ago.
32. you also know that most of those people wont last.
33. panera is the only option. (!!!!!!!!!)
34. 20% guarantees you more onc's, and more contests.
35. flip flops are a privilege, not a right.
36. you've been attacked for taking pictures. oh well.
37. you love the christmas hats!
38. you miss the old holiday-morning get together, even if you had to be in crazy early.
39. change is bad. "new clock-in thing? ahh no not change!"
40. you take months to get yourself a new discount card.
41. more than 50% of your wardrobe is ON.
42. a portion of the other 50% is gap or banana.
43. you know that not many people actually use the banana part.
44. you have friends and family who attack when friends and family arrives.
45. you detest gap/banana cards because they steal your chance at oncs.
46. you hesitate to mention that we sell boxes. (!!!!!!!!!)
47. you get tired of explaining that the signs only apply to the item that it says and not everything within a 5 foot radius.
48. you don't understand why no one gets the real meaning of "'stuff' and save".
49. you know you're right, but you have to give in and check to make the customer look stupid. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
50. there comes a point that the running all looks like "clearance"
51. you lie about something being "out of stock" because no one wants to do a merchandise locator and if they do they don't actually want to go looking.
52. you've had a near death experience slipping on a hanger. (omg, you have no idea.)
53. you have a better time with the balls than most of the kids do.
54. you've broken nails and cut your fingers on pants hangers.
55. you've hurt yourself on flip flop days, proving why we aren't allowed to wear them.
- you guys.
it's been a really weird week.
my best friend from when i was little recently got into contact with me on facebook.
i haven't seen her since high school, despite living in the same area all this time, so i was really excited to hear from her.
like, crazy right?
what are the chances NOW of all times?
EXAMPLE #2: i was thinking the other day about my friends from Freeburg and then today i went to the target by my work which i NEVER go to and i run into one of them.
i don't know what it is with these people from my past.
but i hope it's only good things that happen.
*crosses fingers*
i used to know a lot of crazy people. XD