Tim Drake-Wayne Fic 5

Apr 15, 2012 02:35

He didn't bother to tell Kyle that he was not, in fact, a virgin. He was a virgin in that he'd never been with another man. He'd slept with Steph a few times. Back in his Robin and her Spoiler days, when they were young and dating, they had been captured by a cult that wanted to do a virginal sacrifice with Robin on the alter. Steph had promptly taken action to change this situation. She'd pushed him to the ground, pulled down his tights and de-virginized him. (Author: There really is a fanfic out there about this. I don't remember where, title, or author.) After loosing his virginity that quickly and emotionless, it was a relief to finally sleep with her at length.

He'd wined and dined her. Taking her out to a local theater to see an age appropriate musical. Then they went out to a nice restaurant, one she mentioned in passing about wanting to try but hadn't because her mother would, could, never afford to take her there. Afterwards, he'd drawn Steph a bath and filled the bedroom with candles. He even got rose petals. Steph had laughed at him, pulling him fully clothed into the room and rolled around on the huge bed. They had laied on the bed for a while, just talking and chatting and kissing. Eventually Steph's hands got wander-y and they kissed some more. Steph's hands were barely down his pants before he'd shot his load. Steph was giggling too hard for him to continue and try again. He was too timid to try making a move on the next date. Eventually, Steph took the first step and they had sex. It wasn't making love. They were a bit too horny and high on life to do something as sweet as make love.

Though Tim was willing to admit he may have had a bit of a bias about the whole idea. The only idea he ever had of sex was the mysterious end all of 2 hours of chasing and sweetness in movies. Relationships happened in TV shows and movies and it was always romantic and loving.

Steph helped disillusioned him to that. Real sex and relationships were messy and awkward and you have to think about clothing and body fluids and everything else. It wasn't that their relationship or sex was bad, it was just based in reality rather then the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. It had taken Tim by surprise, despite the contrast of the idea of Robin and the reality of being a superhero.

.....  Really kitty? Please I'm trying to write. OK. Fine. I'll feed you. I'll play with your little toys. Oh, you want scratches?

After Kitty is done, go back to writing. Minute later..

..... Steve, really? You need my help right now? You're having an emotional crisis over a boyfriend you broke up with 3 years ago? OK, Fine. I'll help you deal..

several hours later, look back at writing...

... Damn it, my blood sugar is crashing. I need to eat. Damn, I also need to prep my lunches for the work week. Drat the cat box is stinky. Oops, dropped the greasy chicken parts on the floor. I haven't mopped in two weeks, I better do it now after cooking.

... Now I need to sleep.

ARRRGG! Want to write, real life in way.

And I forgot what I was doing!

tim drake-wayne, moral choices, fanfiction, batman

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