Random Wren and Teen Titans 1

Apr 10, 2012 10:10

Author here: I have another Random Wren update but its going to be quick because i have to get to bed. But my cats keep interfering. But I had written it ages ago, just never posted it. So this goes with my original Wren, the one where she is rescued by Red Robin and the gang from Arkham. Teen Titan roster: Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, Red Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Ravager, Solstice.

"The repair kit is on the second shelf in the locker on the left in my jet. Just grab it, Kon!" Red Robin ordered. He knelt at the side compartment with Bart at his side. Cyborg stood off to the side like he was trying to decide if he was going to help, laugh or hinder the project. The tear in the side was long but not deep. Tim felt it would be better to patch it up now rather then later.

Cassie stretched, trying to work the kink out of her back. Ravager sneered at her as she wiped down her blades. Beast Boy was hovering around Raven and Solstice as they chatted. They had just gotten back from a mission, a light one where they assisted the local authorities in rounding up some smugglers. One of them had tried to make a break for it, ramming their van under the wing of the Titan jet.

"Its not in here!" Kon yelled, looking up and down in the locker, pushing a couple labeled containers out of the way. "Freaking over organized freak," he muttered.

"My left," Tim yelled back.

"Oh," Kon spied another set of lockers on the other side, partially blocked by an airfoil glider strapped to the side of the plane. He opened the door and a split second later his face blazed with pain. Something small wearing red and brown and black plowed into him, throwing him back against the wall. He tried to grab onto it but it was already flashing out the door.

"Heads up!" Cassie yelled, jumping into the path of the small caped figure that practically flew out of the Bat Jet. She braced herself for the impact as the figure barreled towards her. At the last moment, as Cassie prepared herself, the figure slid down to the floor to slide between her legs. She tried to grab onto the cape but fell over in surprise when something shot into her butt with a familiar "click-clack" sound.

The small figure flipped, a shadow of movement pivoting on the end of a bo staff, directing like a missile into Ravagers head. Inertia took them both down.

"I got it!" Kid Flashed yelled, running to grab the figure on top of Rose. "I don't got it," he amended a moment later as the shadow shifted. He too fell over as he overbalanced in his bid to catch it, sprawling over a disoriented Rose. Several pops sounded and smoke hissed in the air as the small figure evaded Beast Boy's tentacles. It seemed to dance upwards onto the equipment stacked by the wall as the figure levered itself over Cyborg.

"Shit!" Red Robin said, lunging for the small figure which quickly disappeared. "Everyone Stand Down! Stand Down!"

Raven was chanting, the air whirling around the hanger.

Superboy stumbled out of the Bat Jet. "I think it broke my nose!" Kon said, holding his nose as blood ran down his face.

"Where is it? Did anybody see where it went?" Kid Flash said, zipping around the hanger.

Cassie and Raven flew into the air, hovering as they scanned for the caped figure. Ravager snarled, pulling out her blades and getting ready to attack. Cyborg's arm transformed into a sound cannon, ready to stun. Beast Boy and Solstice ready as well.

"Everyone Stand Down! Freeze! Don't Move! I know what- who it is!" Red Robin yelled as loud and authoritative as he could. They all subtly shifted their attention to him but continued to scan the room. "She's just frightened. She's just trying to defend herself. Stand down! Please, gather by the wall, let me talk to her."

They slowly made their way over with much prodding by Tim. Once they were all gathered, Red Robin held out his cape to the side and walked further into the hanger. The wall they were at afforded them the widest view and he made sure to stay in their sight lines as he moved away.

"Wren, its OK. They won't hurt you. They're my friends, my team mates. See, they're doing what I'm saying. You're safe now." He turned in a wide circle, eyes scanning for hints of the little girl. He was glad he recognized the gold and rust brown exercise uniform Alfred had made the child. "Please come out, Wren. Its safe. I'll protect you. Or do I need to pull out Breaking Dawn?"

The utility shelves against one wall rattled. It was a soft, barely detectable sound, if you hadn't been trained to pick out any noise and listen for the slightest breath of your enemy.

"Come on, Wren. Its OK. I'm not mad at you, just worried. Come on out, Wren." He shook his cape, lifting his arm higher. The small figure appeared from the gap between the shelves and equipment, slowly, cautiously, staring at the other heroes gathered. Kid Flash couldn't help the shiver of anticipation.

Wren gave a little squeaky chirp of a sound then was across the room barreling into Red Robin. She buried herself into his back, under his cape, holding it over her.

"Bart!" Cassie yelled, punching him in the arm. "Stop frightening her!"

"Who is she? What is she? Is she the new Robin? I hope she's the new Robin cause the last one was an *ass*! Where did you find her? What was she doing in the jet?" Bart buzzed in place for a moment before zipping off and zipping back, two bowls of ice cream in hand. He handed one to Cassie before speed eating the other. "I bet she'd like ice cream."

"Um," Cassie stepped away from the group, indicating for everyone to stay still. "Hello. My name is Cassie." She stared hard at the lump under Red Robin's cape while Tim smiled, trying not to laugh.

Another chirpy little squeak came from the cape. Tim tried tugging at the cape but Wren pulled it back. They fought for a moment. Eventually Tim won, lifting the cape enough to reveal a bit of the child clinging to his back. He peered under his arm as he addressed the girl. "Its rude not to face someone talking to you. Wren, say Hello to the Teen Titans. Titans, say hello to the little songbird that keeps finding its way into the cave."

Silver eyes framed by a slightly crooked, plain domino mask appeared for a moment as the girl said hello but they quickly disappeared as she pressed herself down into the shadows of Tim's cape and into his back.

"Is everybody forgetting that she Broke. My. Nose." Kon said, pointing at it. Bart zipped off, coming back with a first aide kit which he opened and pulled out stuff to help Kon. "How can she do that? She's what, 7, 8? And probably weighs as much as a sack of feed."

Rose snickered at that, calling him Farmboy under her breath.

"She probably broke your nose about the same way that Black Bat or I could. Wren is a bit talented at figuring things out like that. We're not even sure how she keeps getting into the cave half the time. Wait, Wren, how did you get here? Were you hiding in the jet when I took off yesterday?"

Silence, then a cautious, "Maybe." Tim glared at her, even though she couldn't see it with her face buried into his back. "No," she warbled.

"Then how..."

"I was hiding in the Bat jet last week."

"You've been here a whole week!"

Silence then a cautious, "Maybe" before being followed by a soft, drawn out "yes."

"That's impossible, the security protocols," Cyborg said. "Somebody would have noticed."

"I think I did notice," Rose said. "I've had the feeling that I'm being watched all week. Raven mentioned the same feeling to me just yesterday."

"Its not her hiding here for a week, that concerns me. Its the fact that she's been missing for a week and her parents never said a word to us," Tim's voice harsh. Her absence from the Bat Cave had been noticed and they had called the Smith's home. Alfred had called and chatted with Mrs. Smith several times, discussing how the woman was doing with her chemotherapy, the family, the business Mr. Smith was starting up, and about Annabelle as well. Not once did she mention that the girl was missing. Not even during his own brief chat with the woman and her husband did it arise. He gritted his teeth in fury.

"Her parents? Aren't all Bats, like orphans or something?" Kon said. Cassie's brows rose to her hairline before dumping the bowl of ice cream she still had in hand over his head. Ravager pushed him as well, almost knocking him from his feet.

"You must be very special for me not to have seen you, child," Rose said.

Wren shrugged into Tim's back but he admonished her, telling her to use her words. "Its easy. You just have to be where people are not looking and not be there when people are looking."

Rose chuckled at that.

my fic, fanfiction, teen titans, dc comics, wren, red robin

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